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Old 01-04-2009, 06:36 PM
HUNTER2 HUNTER2 is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 231
220 gr. results on critters

Tried some 220 rbt sent to me from Matrix Ballistics in Canada..Had a .232 meplat. Looks and shoots good. Sadly to say same result as smk on deer size animals..Straight through - no expansion....Next Diamondback Custom Bullets...He made up 4 designs to choose from. Chose RBTHP with a .190 HP. Same as above - no expansion..He sent a sample of each. One has a very short ogave with about a .280 HP. Will give them a try next..Have tried 180 btsp Speer backwards. Could not any difference in any of the above. Straight through - even shoulder, no trail. Makes a loud poping sound when a coyote is hit with one... Very satisfying!! Still have heard nothing from Hawk...Leheigh did say they would have a .338 on their subsonic version out soon........FYI
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