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Old 11-25-2008, 07:37 PM
mooster1223 mooster1223 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 45
Is there ANY benefit to using 221 brass?

I've not opened the bags yet and have 500 new pieces of Rem 221 fireball brass that I was planning on converting to whisper cases with a redding die set. The more I read, the fewer people I see using or making reference to 221 fireball brass in their whisper projects. I've even read the JD Jones' pre made brass is of 223 headstamp.

Ultimate question to you guys who have been doing this for awhile... Is there ANY reason for me to start with the 221 fireball case when making brass for my 300?? Is it more consistant? more reliable? more durable? more cooler because they say 221?

Help set me straight.

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