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Old 11-18-2008, 04:55 PM
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Fastshooter03 Fastshooter03 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: WI
Posts: 49
Doesn't anyone use a vertical bandsaw?
I tried it last night as work. I thought it might crush or tear the cases but it went zipping through. Came out a little ragged but the final trim will take it out. I'm going to make an adjustable sliding holder to fit the saw table and support the case while cuttin to the right length.
I thought about it for awhile and that's the fastest way I can think of. You'll have a lot of chips using a regular timmer or EM. My original thought was to buy a cheap lee press, make a trim die, and put it in a vertical vise on one of the milling machines but sawing then trimming will be quicker with no press or trim die needed. You would however be cutting to the final OAL with those methods so I may still try the press in vise with trim die if this doesn't prove fast enough for me.
I'm going to trim the sawed pcs using a regular case trimmer or possibly making a die to use the Dillon electric trimmer on the 650 if there's enough length available. Only about .010-.020" will be left after sawing.

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