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Old 11-10-2008, 07:58 PM
befu befu is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 6
300 whisper, J&T, suppressed AR options

Hello all. Been reading as many back post as I can till my eyes start bleeding.... Lots of information here, but it seems to vary depending on if you are SBR, carbine, or 20" rifle.
Pistol gas port, carbine gas port.
subsonic, supersonic or rifle for both.
suppressed or non suppressed or both.

Kinda makes it hard to sort it all out. I have an empty lower that needs a mate.
I want a nice subsonic-only shooter and I like the 300 whisper. I also want to buy a kit and build it along with the suppressor (just got the cleo to sign two more F1's)

OK, I am not going model 1, heard good and bad, do not want to chance it. J&T seems to have similar prices with a higher reputation. I believe the J&T model is 1 in 8, carbine gas sytem. With the above, I have two choices, integral or add on.

Integral, got some information from other post on here. I will need a pistol version with a 2 piece gas block, permantly attach suppressor housing to make it 16"+. Kind of leaning away from this due to complexity of it and will need another can for a 7.62x25 SBR I am going to make (Prexis P-7)

Stand alone seems to be better fitted right now I guess. So, does a J&T 300 kit seem like a decent way to go with the carbine gas system, subsonic only and shooting with the suppressor? Will always shoot with the suppressor, so not worried about cycling without it.

want to move on this before all the upper kits are gone.....

Thanks all, Brian
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