Forum: Milling Machine Manufacturer Discussions
06-18-2005, 11:06 AM
Replies: 2
Views: 3,874
BTW, here's the mill itself. Not bad for $600....
BTW, here's the mill itself. Not bad for $600. Huge machine shop auction <3miles from my home and shop. Assuming it works, I think I made out quite well :D We'll see once it is all wired up :eek: ...
Forum: Milling Machine Manufacturer Discussions
06-17-2005, 07:55 PM
Replies: 2
Views: 3,874
Need help wiring my BP
Allright, I took some more pics after trying to get it somewhat organized. Here are some more pics of the confusing wiring. This first one is a close up of the inside of the ON/OFF switch. In from...