Forum: 300 Whisper Rifles and Pistols
01-07-2008, 12:56 AM
Replies: 9
Views: 2,847
Pug, thanks for the reply, that did help.
Pug, thanks for the reply, that did help.
Heres my break down. Right now Id like to build a 300 Whipser which will shoot supersonic loads as I am in a state which is a "ban state" if you will,...
Forum: 300 Whisper Rifles and Pistols
01-06-2008, 10:58 PM
Replies: 9
Views: 2,847
300 Whisper vs 300/221 fireball
Ok, I am looking to buy a 300 Whisper within the next week.
I have been reading about it on and off, I read alot for my job and sometimes I get sick of reading, and would like someone to tell me,...