Forum: AK-47 Topics
07-12-2007, 09:03 PM
Replies: 0
Views: 2,115
amms flat group buy
Hey guys, Curtis is going to make us dead scratch perfect amms hungarian flats if we can get 30 people interested. We need just a few more to make this thing fly. Gunco link below has details. Thanks...
Forum: AK-47 Topics
03-16-2007, 09:26 PM
Replies: 1
Views: 2,191
Trunion jig
If any one has this jig and would pm me the dementions it would be greatly appriciated. I have a new milling machine and making the jigs is half the fun.
Forum: AK-47 Topics
03-06-2007, 09:59 PM
Replies: 2
Views: 2,383
Forum: AK-47 Topics
02-17-2007, 10:14 AM
Replies: 0
Views: 1,737
AK year model
How do you tell what year a ak was built. I see it quoted but the search yealded no result. (rom G AK )
Forum: AK-47 Topics
02-13-2007, 10:36 PM
Replies: 2
Views: 2,383
Building jig
I am building a 555 jig and am in the process of building the outer die.After reading all that I can find on making the die I have put the old receiver part salvaged from the rear trunion on the...