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rsilvers 01-17-2012 04:18 AM

300 BLK Remington 700

martineta 01-17-2012 08:24 AM

Looks great! I have a question about the 1 in 7 twist.

How does that shoot with light stuff. My MGM barrel is 1 in 8 and shoots the light stuff just as well as my first 300 whisper from Thompson that was 1 in 10.

Is this rifle available now? Please tell me there are no feeding issues like what was experienced by early purchasers of the Micro 7.

I can feel myself reaching for my wallet.

Rancid Coolaid 01-17-2012 12:20 PM

The image is on an image shack address, curious to know from whence it originated.

A quick search of Remington's page shows nothing of this rifle, nothing when searching for "blackout" or "BLK" and nothing of this caliber/configuration under the SPS Tactical.

Looks intriguing, the 1:7 caught my attention too. Might be nothing, might be something.

ds762 01-17-2012 07:57 PM

I just want to know what has been done to cure the extraction problems that have plagued the remington 700 in this cartridge ???

Titleiiredneck 01-17-2012 10:50 PM

Hopefully using a sako/ar type extractor of some sort or mabye even a ptg bolt copy, but probally nothing

rsilvers 01-17-2012 11:01 PM

The 1/7 is to give a little more stability to 220+ grain bullets.

I did a 30 round group with 1/7 and 1/8 with Remington 125 grain ammo, and there was no difference in accuracy.

The rifle has the 17 Fireball bolt guts.

If you have a Micro-7 with feeding problems, AAC would like to get you an RMA number and repair it. The problem was some of them had a double (223-like) feed ramp rather than the one large scoop 308-style feed ramp. It makes a big difference.

Titleiiredneck 01-17-2012 11:15 PM

Were are talking extraction not feeding issues, the only way with the longer "longer than#7" action to have perfect extraction is to use a sako/ar type extractor. The issue is with the case falling off the boltface.

2bad4u2 01-17-2012 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by Titleiiredneck (Post 35917)
Were are talking extraction not feeding issues, the only way with the longer "longer than#7" action to have perfect extraction is to use a sako/ar type extractor. The issue is with the case falling off the boltface.

I wouldn't agree with that statement at all. We're talking ejection issues not extraction.

I took the advice of numnerous members on this site and others and built my .300 Blackout carbine on a 700 based .17FB. Extraction and ejection are perfect. It doesn't have a Sako or AR style extractor.

By accident I grabbed the wrong bolt for my Blackout while heading to the range. The bolt I mistakenly took was to my 700 LTR in .223 Rem. I only discovered I had a problem when I started to have issues with ejection not extraction. The cases were extracting, just not ejecting properly. It was weak in comparisson to using the .17FB bolt with rounds frequently ending up on the spring follower as documented by many others.

Titleiiredneck 01-17-2012 11:52 PM

The major issues people have are with extraction since the short case falls off the bolt face during extraction well before ejection, even up to around a inch before the case mouth gets to the ejection port.

Mike Bell 01-18-2012 10:45 PM

Robert, when is this going to hit the shelves?? Savage is dragging theirs out... So I may just go whit the Remmy, especialy since its about $50 bucks cheaper.

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