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I've used carbine bullets in .300 Whisper with OK results-- both SP's and FMJ's. Just fiddling around though, no real science, and I was running them supersonic through an 8" barrel. Assuming they do the same speed or thereabouts as my other 110 loads, it's like M1 Carbine +P you might say. They have fed fine but again no high volume to really prove it. And other than for close range, I don't see any advantage when comparing to 110's with much better BC's. Bet they do barriers better though.
I've even used these loaded backwards under a 110 Sierra, for a 220 grain subsonic payload. Know what? Not too bad, spread is 1-2" at 28 yards, for whatever good it would do. Don't try this at home.... the case neck is too short to hold them both reliably and I hate to think of how bad things could get if the inner bullet got loose and fell into the case in a sideways-to-bore position. Not something I'm doing anymore, having lucked out and gotten away with it before I knew better. |
Does anyone have Quickload? I was going to get it a few months ago but I decided to get engaged and move to farm country instead.
I'm interested in seeing what QuickLoad offers as suggestions for slower powders and heavier bullets in the 7.62x39 (bolt action) and a 20"bbl. Bullet weights: 150, 168, 200, 210, 220 and 225 bullets. As for the powders anything slower than 1680. I'm just turning gears and wanting to see what QL has to say about such a hypothetical venture with the small case capacity. Thanks in advance! Scott |
I'm sure you've likely visited this site before but I'm going to post this link in case you haven't or the benefit of others who haven't. It's a great resource for subsonic 7.62x39mm information. http://members.shaw.ca/cronhelm/762Page.html He posts on various web boards as Suputin or Suputin221 over on 300blktalk.com . He's a good guy and is very knowledgable and helpful. |
I am wondering why you are not running a .311 or .312 dia bullet instead of
.308. Do you have a .308 dia barrel. |
I have a .311 barrel. I'm just playing around with the .308 since they have a vast number of bullet designs. Well, that and I have a crapload of them for my 30-06 to play with.:smile: BTW, the XTP hp's are .309 dia and I have tested a hand full of .32 acp (.312) bullets in similar tests. I know they won't be as accurate as .310 bullets but for messing around experimenting, and not getting bored, while I'm off for the winter they are doing a great job. I normally shoot Hornady 123gr SST (.310) for coyotes and small vermin but I have 20rnds of Barnes 108gr M/LE (.310) bullets loaded now for similar use. They really seem like they would do a good job. I have also tinkered with Hornady 174gr fmjbt (.3105), Lapua D166 (.310) and Hornady SST 150gr (.311) as well as a few other .308 bullets for fun. I've talked to a few guys who have .308x39 barrels and they all pretty much told me that one of the main reasons they went with the smaller bore was to dig into the vast selection of .308 bullets. All but one said they had decent results with .308 bullets out of their .310 barrels bolt action rifles but the one who had bad results also admitted that he was shooting an SKS before he had his current rifle built. Scott |
Give me a powder type and I can run some #'s on quickload
Thanks for the help!! Well, to be honest, the only two slow powders I have any knowledge about, and have, are Hodgdon Varget and IMR-4064. I use them for my 30-06 and they are more than likely WAY to slow. There are a lot of powders on the burn rate charts between my 1680 and 4064 so I was wondering....what if? I'm guessing that a lot of unburnt powder, not to impressive velocities, etc... If possible could you run 2 powders? 1) Varget since it is the slowest I have and 2) Hodgdon Benchmark since it's pretty much in the middle of my 1680 and 4064. However, if you or any other member who may have a better suggestion than these two powders please feel free to substitute and suggest it. Thanks again! Scott |
I ran some number and it looks like 10x is a tad better, I will post the numbers shortly.
I just ran benchmark and varget, all bullets are sierra matchkings and I take NO responsibility if you or someone else, hurts themself in any way or anyone else.:grin:
All these numbers are from quickload using 7.62 x 39 (.308) Russ. and groove caliber of 0.308 and a barrel leangth of 20.0, enjoy! Hodgdon Benchmark .308, 150, Sierra HPBT MatchK 2190 25.0 gr 2004 fps 36563 psi .308, 168, Sierra HPBT MatchK 2200 23.0 gr 1865 fps 36356 psi .308, 200, Sierra HP MatchK 2230 20.0 gr 1653fps 3620 psi 308, 210, Sierra HP MatchK 9240-2235 18.0 gr 1533 fps 33286 psi .308, 220, Sierra HP MatchK 2240 17.0 gr 1428 fps 28351 psi Hodgdon VARGET .308, 220, Sierra HP MatchK 2240 20.0 gr 1554 fps 3518 psi 308, 210, Sierra HP MatchK 9240-2235 20.5 gr 1623 fps 3552 psi .308, 200, Sierra HP MatchK 2230 22.0 gr 1690 fps 3859 psi .308, 168, Sierra HPBT MatchK 2200 24.0 gr 1804 fps 4049 psi .308, 150, Sierra HPBT MatchK 2190 27.0 gr 2008 fps 4523 psi |
Thank you sir! As I suspected the velocities were not too impressive with the low volume of the powder but it was something that made me wonder "what if"?
Thanks again!! Scott |
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