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thehouseproduct 12-06-2011 08:58 PM

XTP, Lehigh and H&G #38 Testing
I finally got to the range and got some testing done. I will try to post velocities, SD, and charges when I get home. Here are the sneak peaks. XTP worked better than I thought it could. The cast hollowpoints didn't group at all. The Lehighs gave me a useable load. I can't afford to waste more on load development. :grin: They are the center group in the pic below.

HUNTER2 12-08-2011 12:39 AM

I have used the Lehigh with 296 and they work really well in an Encore. How fast are the 90's? Wonder if they will work at sub speed.

TCCrewchief76 12-08-2011 12:43 PM

Did the 90 XTP's feed from the magazine?

thehouseproduct 12-08-2011 01:54 PM

My rifle is single shot so I can't comment on feeding. Here is the whole batch of data.

Caliber: OAL: Powder: Charge: Primer: Bullet: SD: Average Velocity:
300 Whisper 1.631" 2400 14.8gr CCI 400 90gr XTP 54 2131
300 Whisper 1.631" 2400 15.1gr CCI 400 90gr XTP 24 2108
300 Whisper 1.631" 2400 15.4gr CCI 400 90gr XTP 14 2110
300 Whisper 1.631" 2400 15.7gr CCI 400 90gr XTP 36 2192
300 Whisper 1.631" 2400 16.0gr CCI 400 90gr XTP 21 2266
300 Whisper 2400 10.0gr CCI 400 H&G #38 152gr 14 1468
300 Whisper 2400 11.0gr CCI 400 H&G #38 152gr 30 1570
300 Whisper 2400 12.0gr CCI 400 H&G #38 152gr 20 1651
300 Whisper 2.060" 2400 8.5gr CCI 400 168gr Lehigh 56 950
300 Whisper 2.060" 2400 9.0gr CCI 400 168gr Lehigh 33 1085

mak91 12-08-2011 07:44 PM

I've run the 90 xtp's in the 300wtf, they feed in my Howa bolt gun with the factory stock / mag setup but they do not feed from a stock for the same gun that has a CDI bottom metal / removable mag setup. They also do not feed in my ar15.

i8asquirrel 12-09-2011 12:17 AM

I'm running the XTP's in my Howa as subsonics. They feed from the mag andshoot prettywell. I took a nice blacktail buck with them this hunting season!

jimpa 12-09-2011 01:31 AM

Leheigh bullet
Shot a doe with one of these on Sat., she was walking got double lung and part of liver, she ran for about 3 seconds AND died on her feet. Am shooting these over 9gr of 296 and amazingly they group with the 240SMK at 100 yds using 9.6 of 296. AT 200 yds they hit 15 yds short of target, had the sun to my back and watched them lob in there.

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