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Carlo 11-22-2011 04:45 AM

3rd generation Buck with "S" marking
Take a look at this auction
Apart from the "australian scabbard" note the "S" marking on the blade.
What is very interesting is that the bayonet is not a second generation, like shown here (many links inside).
I think it is for me the first time I see the "S" stamp on a military contract 3rd generation M9

Carlo 11-22-2011 11:01 AM

Auction closed with buy it now ....:grin:
I think the buyer is the same canadian collector who bought that LanCay shallow fuller for less than $ 100, as discussed here

Mister Moon 11-22-2011 11:34 AM

Nice work dude !


Mister Moon 11-22-2011 11:45 AM

...BTW, our friend, is on this SCRAP m9 Ri-canstructed..
It's better to know the reality.
People do not like to hear the truth... sometimes me too


Carlo 11-23-2011 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by Mister Moon (Post 34161)
...BTW, our friend, is on this SCRAP m9 Ri-canstructed..
It's better to know the reality.
People do not like to hear the truth... sometimes me too

Ehe ehe, Fabrizio I think you are right.
But I also think that, in regard of this auction, all the bidders know exactly what it is.
The seller, also, honestly says in the item description that it is "Not the standard USGI issue M9 Bayonet"

pwcosol 11-23-2011 12:50 PM

Well, as I expected, all sorts of "Frankenstein" Lancay M9s are now starting to appear on sites like Ebay. Both bayonets & parts from the now defunct company have found their way to M9 entrepreneurs, whom have assembled them into heretofore unknown variations. Caveat Emptor!

Mister Moon 11-23-2011 12:59 PM

Correct ! this, will the problem for "Who don't know"... BTW, it was the problem too, with "Who know" ! Remember the famous M9 with the SIG markings...:grin:


porterkids 11-23-2011 03:13 PM

There actually were M9 bayonets with SIG markings. Back in the late 80s SIG offered the M9 as an accessory. I have one that came from a source in Switzerland and there is not doubt in my mind that it is genuine.

Mister Moon 11-23-2011 04:22 PM


After some search...

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M9 Bayonet Collectors Club

Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 595
I sent the seller an email a few days ago asking a few specific questions about this bayonet. His one line reply was "It is genuine." I again emailed him saying that I wasn't questioning the authenticity of the piece but was looking for detailed information. I have not heard back from him and with the bid currently sitting at $550 I don't expect that I will.

I have some reservations about this bayonet. I contacted two SIG distributors here in the US trying to find out if this is a genuine SIG accessory. They responded that they have not seen them nor are they avaialble in the catalogs that they have. I currently have an email in to the SIG corporate office and I'm awaiting their response.

The SIG/M9/Phrobis markings are clearly etched on the blade; they were not applied during the manufacturing process but applied at some later time. The bayonet is a Buck 1994 commercial piece. This definitely places it long after any Buck/Phrobis association (that ceased in 1989).

There is a possibility that SIG marked some bayonets to be sold with their rifles. I know they did a small group of them in 1987 and they were shown in the SIG catalog. I will continue to try to get additional information and would welcome any input from others.

.................................................. .................................................. ......

Super Moderator
M9 Bayonet Collectors Club

Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 595
OK, who won the auction?

Yes, i will curious to know, who was the Silent winner

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