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-   -   New guy has M9 question please (http://www.quarterbore.net/forums/showthread.php?t=7979)

Grahn 10-09-2011 03:33 PM

New guy has M9 question please
I am interested in purchasing an M9. I am looking at the LanCay M9LW. I love the way it looks. My question is, where is a reputable place to purchase this item? Is there anything better that I should consider?

Menno 10-09-2011 04:30 PM

Hi Jerry,

I don't know where you are located. I assume somewhere in the U.S.
I don't live anywhere near the U.S so I have to guess, but I assume you can get something like that at a outdoor store or maybe a specialist gun store. If not, Ebay is probably your best option. Just find yourself a 'power seller' with a high positive feedback percentage and you should be fine.

Keep in mind that Lan-Cay is not producing any knifes anymore, so the price of remaining stock will probably go up in the future.

If you want a good M9, an USGI Phrobis III or commercial Buck M9 are always good options, but in my opinion any U.S. produced M9 will do fine. Just keep away from the cheap Asian copies.

Good luck! :smile:

Best regards,
The Netherlands

Grahn 10-09-2011 04:40 PM

Hello Menno,
Thanks for the info. I am in Florida, USA.
I will be coming to Scandinavia in May 2012 for vacation. Looking forward to visiting your part of the world. Jerry

Mister Moon 10-10-2011 09:39 PM



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