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N310toN170 10-04-2011 07:58 PM

QuickLoad 3.6 update
Does the newest QL update available include the latest info needed to keep up with the industry?

Things like:
MP 300
XBR 8208
MR 4000

Hornady 225 HPBT

300 BLK

Last update I purchased (labeled 24 August 2010) was minimal and I had expected alot of these updates...unfortunately, all I got from their customer services was 'tough love' and a 'too bad, so sad' approach.

lou400a 10-04-2011 10:18 PM

It just came out 8th of September. $15+5 for shipping

rsilvers 10-06-2011 10:02 PM

Agreed. I bought an update (I have bought many updates) and it did not have Trail Boss or 300 BLK. I called, and he said that only new customers buying the full program got those. I was not too happy.

lou400a 10-06-2011 11:52 PM

Mine did have trailboss and 300blk, but it doesn't have leverevolution

Dacapster 10-07-2011 01:22 AM

Have not heard to much positives in the way ql does biz........

martineta 10-07-2011 06:15 PM

Anybody else to choose from?

Originally Posted by rsilvers (Post 32459)
Agreed. I bought an update (I have bought many updates) and it did not have Trail Boss or 300 BLK. I called, and he said that only new customers buying the full program got those. I was not too happy.

Unbelievable, :mad:

I sold software for 22 years. I am unaware of any other software house that when you buy an update, that doesn't bring your version up to the latest and greatest.

Any other programs out there that are current and have better customer service.

N310toN170 10-07-2011 08:13 PM

Here is a direct cut and paste from the 'README' file on the QL update date 8 Sept 2011:

When you need a more sophisticated ballistic software we recommend you to
contact the following vendors of ballistic software:

URL: Program: Company:
http://www.fnc.co.uk/ FNGUN - Frazer-Nash Consultancy
http://srcballisticsoftware.com/ PLAYBALL - LYSTER CONSULTING INC.
http://www.prodas.com/ PRODAS - Arrow Tech Associates Inc.
http://www.thiot-ingenierie.com/ CESAR 2.1 Thiot Ingenierie

N310toN170 10-07-2011 08:48 PM

Does the newest QL update available include the latest info needed to keep up with the industry?

Things like:
TrailBoss; nope
MP 300; nope
XBR 8208; nope
MR 4000; nope

Hornady 225 HPBT; nope

300 BLK; nope

Before I declare the $14.95 plus $5 shipping a complete waste of money, I sent them the following email:

"I just recently purchased via your website (http://www.neconos.com/details3.htm) the QuickLOAD 3.6 update CD. After loading the CD, dated 08 Sept 2011 and running through the Qupdate I launched the application. QuickLOAD still indicates version 3.5 and does not contain many of the details of the more recent product updates of many industry vendors.

Is there a different updating process that I need to be following and what improvements should I see in this latest release?"

...we'll see if this round of customer service is better than the last

lou400a 10-07-2011 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by N310toN170 (Post 32489)
Does the newest QL update available include the latest info needed to keep up with the industry?

Things like:
TrailBoss; nope
MP 300; nope
XBR 8208; nope
MR 4000; nope

Hornady 225 HPBT; nope

300 BLK; nope

Before I declare the $14.95 plus $5 shipping a complete waste of money, I sent them the following email:

"I just recently purchased via your website (http://www.neconos.com/details3.htm) the QuickLOAD 3.6 update CD. After loading the CD, dated 08 Sept 2011 and running through the Qupdate I launched the application. QuickLOAD still indicates version 3.5 and does not contain many of the details of the more recent product updates of many industry vendors.

Is there a different updating process that I need to be following and what improvements should I see in this latest release?"

...we'll see if this round of customer service is better than the last

That's odd. My 08 Sep 2011 version includes:


XBR 8208

Hornady 225 HPBT

300 BLK

Go figure. Call them, as it should be there.

N310toN170 10-19-2011 08:45 PM

So after a new update CD having been shipped and a complete reinstallation of QuickLOAD from scratch followed by the update CD...same problems!

I reached out to the US based distributor who supplied the new update CD and did attempt some troubleshooting, who in turn contacted the developer. The long and the short of the email exchange is that I was told, you're on your own!

Having spent some time playing with the app and watching what repositories it was pulling from and then watching where the udpates were going...

QuickLOAD app runs from:
C:\Users\*admin*\Documents\Program Files\data\*

Update CD installs to:
C:\Program Files\data\*

Cut C:\Program Files\data\*

Paste C:\Users\*admin*\Documents\Program Files\data\*
Where *admin*= your user account ID

This is based on accepting the default directories for both the initial installation and the default update path.

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