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Old-Smithy 09-19-2005 04:11 AM


Isn't it nice at our age to be classed as a junior anything :welcome:

1feral1 09-19-2005 04:59 AM

Too right!



gunnut1 09-19-2005 05:28 PM

My hanlde is gunnut1. Most of the gun boards I bvelong to just call me 'Nut. It fits!

I admired the Buck 184 back in the 80s when they frist came out. I had no used for them then. I now live in Colorado and suddenly I realize theat I need a survival knife. Ih ave a Lan-Cay M9 in OD and I just bought a 184 copy that is made in Tiawan. I know I know. The copies are not as good as the orginals. But this one seems to be OK. It looks and feels like a 184. The steel seems to be OK. It is sharp right out of the box.

I would love to have an orginal 184 but they are a little steep for my pocket book and that is why I ended up with the copy.

Ihave quite a collection of bayonets but I am not an avid knife or bayonet collector.

Looking forward to reading and learning on the board!

bchboy1206 09-19-2005 11:11 PM

Hi I am Jim, I found this site by looking for info about M9's. Dont think I want to collect, yet, but I would just doing my research and I am glad I found a place that seems to have a wealth of knowledge. Well off I go to ask my first question.

Thanks all

Rhino_66 09-22-2005 06:15 PM

Hello all,

I've seen a lot of Quarterbore's posts on various sites, but never got around to this board.

A little about me... I recently completed a .45ACP conversion on an AK-47 (more on that later if anyone is interested). I've started acquiring more "older" rifles to offset the number of AK type kits that I've bought recently, including an M1 Garand, a Russian capture Mauser, and an Enfield #4 Mk1/2.



Quarterbore 09-22-2005 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by Rhino_66
Hello all,

I've seen a lot of Quarterbore's posts on various sites, but never got around to this board.

A little about me... I recently completed a .45ACP conversion on an AK-47 (more on that later if anyone is interested). I've started acquiring more "older" rifles to offset the number of AK type kits that I've bought recently, including an M1 Garand, a Russian capture Mauser, and an Enfield #4 Mk1/2.



Hi Rhino!

Seem to have found your way into the knife forum but that's fine.... Glad you joined us!

ghostsix 11-28-2005 06:58 AM

I am just a common combat rifleman.

chardin 11-28-2005 11:21 PM

I'm having a Wilderness Survival Knife (WSK) built by a local knifesmith and came here in search of people with whom to discuss this project. I am also an avid shooter, and will look at the firearms fora here with great interest.

Clydetz 12-11-2005 06:04 PM

Hi all! I'm Clydetz on a few other forums and found this site while looking for information on the 'old' Buck model 186. My main interest is in knives... customs and the Buck 110's, 112's, 532's, 560's and the 119. Good to meet you! :)

ghostsix 12-13-2005 12:49 AM

I am sure that you know me.

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