Spook |
08-16-2011 11:58 PM |
sha-ul,You misunderstand me, Blackout (r), Whiteout (the storm not the correction fluid), In and Out (not the burger), Gee its nice out- think I'll leave it out, all excellent names for cartridges none of which annoy me in the least. What annoys me is calling a Dachshund a Basset hound then telling the entire planet how effective "Bassets" are at digging out badgers...while at the same time attempting to convince me Dachshunds never existed ?
As far as coming across as an ass... under the user CP there is an option to place other users on an "ignore list". I urge you to utilize that feature with regard to my posts. I shudder to think that anything I've typed has affronted your obviously sensitive sensibilities or worse still, that I may be casting pearls before swine. Do us both the favor.
rocker, Its apparent your vast knowledge of firearms supersedes any concepts or experience I may have on the subject and this may come as a shock, but blk ammo functions (perhaps even better than WTF ammo) through 2 (two) WTF barrels I have with chambers dimensionally LARGER than the chambers I cut with my blk reamer. ( insert a row of EEk emoticons here ) Along with difficulty conveying ideas with clarity in writing, you seem to be unacquainted with the practice called of "fireforming".
In the instance of the 6BRX, a conventional 6BR cartridge is fired in a chamber a full .010 longer which moves the shoulder of the cartridge ahead the same distance (thats almost 1/8 of an inch in case you're more used to reading a yardstick than a micrometer) without ill effect. Shazam what'll they think up next? I'd also like to direct your attention to the last two sentences in my response to sha-ul.
rsilvers I feel terrible and quite "asslike" (see sha-uls post). If in fact the blk was conceived as you explained in your last post, my comments requesting clarification were ill founded and I can see how they might be construed as hostile by you or the rest of the board. If any statements I made implied that you appropriated Mr Jones' intellectual property ,dismiss them as it was never my intent. Seriously anyone attempting that stunt had better have access to a decades old legal division with corporate funding at the very least.
There are occasions when I drink vodka (Kettle One (r)) to an excess and cant remember what I've done the next day. Last night was such an occasion ( I think, I cant remember exactly). Before I asked to you please accept my humble and heartfelt apology I have just one teeny weeny question and I'll never broach the subject again. If you didnt work from any existing drawings, how can you be sure you havent replicated the Whisper (r) ?
This is the where I ask you to accept my humblest and heartfelt apologies ....