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hatim007 12-30-2005 04:23 PM

KBC lathe model 335-000

I would like to know if you guys could tap your knowledge about a kbc lathe model 335-000, this fella from florida is sending this for me. its gonna cost about 350 transportation plus other 500 for it.

Can't find any information on it from google.

does this equipment worth this kind of money?



Wrangler 12-30-2005 11:52 PM

Look under KBC Tools. It is a 9x18 inch lathe costs $999.00 new with stand.

hatim007 01-04-2006 10:51 AM

Books, manual, how to' use lathe
Hello there metal guru's

Anyway, I could get technical material to how to use lathe etc.

what to make, newbie at this.


Quarterbore 01-04-2006 01:19 PM

I have a Lathe CD that I put together that should provide you with the basics you need to run any lathe. This is best read or used on a computer as I scanned several of the manuals in grey scale so the images would be clear but others will print fine:


Another great book to get is a book by South Bend called "Projects" or something similar. You might try my search page here http://lathetalk.com/ebay/index.html but EBAY seems to be having some issues lately with allowing those searches to work.

Good Luck!

hatim007 01-05-2006 12:48 PM

Thanks for the info
Where could I accuire parts for a KBC model 335-000 lathe, I went on KBCtools.com and they are trying to find the parts.

Is there any other company that could supply parts for the model of lathe.

The shipping company drop the lathe and break the Handle for the gears, and the two guage spindle. They are not responsible (ABF freight).

I am a newbie, does this machine need any calibration.

So dissapointed,


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