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David Andresen 12-27-2005 08:00 PM

response to buckmaster values from "WDN" & Et-al
Hi Guys;

Just found this site. Here's da skinnie, a good friend came in to work today with, 1 buckmaster in box, sheath,all papers(except bill of sale), no internal compass though, the seperate note mentions "NEW! larger Compass", high impact plastic sheath, and the Buck tissue wrapper with two small rips in it.

Bill, my friend (62 yrs) has lots of high end camera and outdoor stuff, he never scrimped on the price vs; quality Bill now has lung cancer, (Ain't cigeretts wonnerful?)he gave me the knife. I told him, "let me see what this thing is worth, the blade is stamped, Buck 184 USA. I think that he may need the bucks rather than the Buck. Any ideas? This is in response to message from "WDN" thanks
Dave Andresen dcaservice@comcast.net

Quarterbore 12-27-2005 10:53 PM

Ebay is the best place to sell these knives... With the box and accessories these are easily worth $200 or more and some have been selling in the $300 or higher range lately for mint in box versions. These are collectable so it all depends on if you find someone that has a collection and if they need the knife you have.

David Andresen 12-28-2005 08:18 PM

Buckmaster values & ect.
Response to origional note, "2 above",,, No need to clutter this site but I will after talking with "Bill" list the Buckmaster. If and when I will post a notice for all to see. My Ebay ID thing is "fotofixerdave". [/U] I sell a few cameras, (and buy a few) I still am infected with the dreaded PACK RAT disease.
The film camera market is sinking down below whale do-do, so not much is going on.
Thank you all for this site and it's knowledge.
Dave A.

Quarterbore 12-28-2005 09:14 PM

Yea, no offense but as soon as I got my first digital camera I quickly came to the conclusion that film cameras were going to go the way of 16mm film projectors...

Keep us informed!

David Andresen 01-08-2006 08:05 PM

Buck-master Sales
Hi, Et-al;

Regarding the sale of the knife/accesories that we listed in da prev. messg.,
I promised ya-all that I would present this item to this site before listing it on da big E-Bay" beast.
How do I present the (reduced) image(s) to ya-all for either the evaluation or requests for purchase.

This is not fer me,,,(except fer costs), but my friend.

Dave Andresen dcaservice@comcast.net

Quarterbore 01-08-2006 09:06 PM

There is an option to upload images to the server... If they are too big you need to make them smaller or get one of the free photo servers or one that you pay to use. I used to use the MyYahoo service on yahoo.com to hold pics and I still do although most of the time I use my various servers to hold files for me now.

Yahoo's My yahoo is free and I love it!

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