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-   -   AK-47 Front Trunion Hole Locator TOOL for building AKs (http://www.quarterbore.net/forums/showthread.php?t=667)

Quarterbore 12-23-2005 11:32 PM

AK-47 Front Trunion Hole Locator TOOL for building AKs
I finally managed to find a small supply of tweezers that were the right size and shape to allow me to build some blind hole locators to help locate the front trunion holes of an AKM on the outside for a stamed receiver. These tools are made of stainless steel with a black oxide button head screw that is attached to align the circle to the location of the rivet hole through the front trunion. Following are some sample pictures:





Some of these tools have the screw favoring one side of the locator hole but if a hole is center punched using one of these tools the center punch will be over the hole in the front trunion. Once center punched and drilled with a small drill bit and working up to a larger one you can prevent egging of your front trunion holes by using one of these tools.

I am asking for $10/each for these plus $2 shipping. Please e-mail me if you want one at Quarterbore@yahoo.com. I have about a dozen of these to sell unless I can find a source for more of these stainless tweezers.

Quarterbore 12-24-2005 10:34 AM

Until I can find more of these I have a total of 15 to sell...

I am keepting track of how many are sold here:


oldjarheadfart 12-25-2005 04:12 PM

QB, I want one of your tools. How do you want payment? I do paypal-cash payments only. or a m.o., or? let me know.


Quarterbore 12-25-2005 10:32 PM

You got it and only one left... list is on ARFCOM and I need an e-mail....

Quarterbore 12-25-2005 10:46 PM

All Sold... I hope to make more soon... I found a place that has the tweezers and I bought all they had... But all they had was only 50 sets.... I should have more to sell in about 2-weeks.

sluggermn 12-31-2005 09:05 PM

could you put me down for one.
pm me with your address to send payment to please

thank you


mk1271 01-05-2006 02:05 AM

Tool looks great thanks I recieved it today :)

fuzzy_dba 01-05-2006 08:23 PM

QB: The tool is GREAT :D , not to mention much easier than using a pencil to shade paper for the locations.

Terry in NC

Quarterbore 01-05-2006 08:52 PM

Glad you guys like them... I know I love mine!

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