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-   Phrobis M9 Bayonet Topics (http://www.quarterbore.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=7)
-   -   Would you use your Phrobis as a survival knife? (http://www.quarterbore.net/forums/showthread.php?t=6628)

lawman0210 07-04-2011 12:00 AM

Would you use your Phrobis as a survival knife?
I wanted to post this is the general bayonet board but for some reason I can't acces it. Maybe because I have a current active post going. Anyway just curious to know if you guys would consider using this as your survival knife and bayonet? My main weapon of choice (long gun) would be my AR so to cut down on weight the M9 could carry out many tasks as a survival knife as well as an additional way to protect yourself utilizing your AR. I know there are better survival knives out there. Another question. If you had to protect yourself in a post apocalyptic world and you were out of ammunition would you choose to mount your m9 on your AR to fight or use it as a stand alone knife? Personally I would not abandon my AR because you would possibly obtain more ammo but I think I could fight much more effective and agile using the bayonet as stand alone knife.

pwcosol 07-12-2011 09:54 PM

2 Attachment(s)
In all but a very unlikely scenario, a bayonet/knife would be much more useful to you as a utilitarian weapon, survival tool. Being able to attach it to a rifle is just a bit more advantageous than a knife alone. Perhaps one option is the somewhat modified Lan-Cay M9 pictured. The EDMF cast alloy grip would add eight ounces additional weight to the bayonet. However, if weight is a problem, the original Phrobis blade with fullers should be a bit lighter. Using a Lan-Cay Light-Weight M9 would also help to reduce the additional weight close to that of the standard bayonet.
I think the knuckle guard would be a beneficial thing to have on a survival bayonet/knife upon which one's life may depend. In fact, the MARTO XM9 bayonets submitted for the 1986 Army trials did have a "D"-guard incorporated in the design. BTW, the Lan-Cay M9 pictured is a commercial piece with the USMC EGA logo on the ricasso. The EDMF guard has "BAGDAD 2003" cast into the guard on one side & "USMC" on the other...

Oldsmithy 07-13-2011 07:56 AM

I agree using the latest light weight and the knuckles would make for a very usefull tool

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