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-   -   Actual diameter of a Rem 700 boltface... (http://www.quarterbore.net/forums/showthread.php?t=6392)

Rikky Lee 06-05-2011 06:02 AM

Actual diameter of a Rem 700 boltface...
Hi Guys

Before I go too much crazier can anyone tell me the actual, real world, diameter of a 222/223 Rem 700 bolt face.

I am trying to work out whether one will work for a 7 x 33 Sako (http://stevespages.com/jpg/cd7x33sako.jpg) which has a 10mm/0.393 inch base.

LouBoyd 06-05-2011 01:04 PM

There are at least three diameters you might be concerned about. The actual bolt face, the case head diameter that the extractor spring will properly snap over and extract, and the dimameter of the ring (which is not round) that is in front of the extractor. I'd suggest you ask someone with a 223 Rem 700 to let you handle the bolt and see how it fits with respect to your brass. The dimensions on the 7mmx33 which are .393 and .391 in the equivalent locations are..378 and .376 on a .223. That's only 0.015" diameter difference. It may be practical to open the front ring slighty and perhaps to modify the extractor ring, but you won't know from just having measured diameters of the bolt face. The fore/aft dimensions of the case head relatve to the bolt matter too.

I'm curious why you'd go to the effort to use the 7mmx33 SAKO cartridge? What can it do in a Rem 700 SA action with a 2.8" magazine that a 300WTF can't do as well or better?

Rikky Lee 06-05-2011 05:34 PM

The eternal Everest question ... because I can and because it is there.

I wouldn't bother with the Rem factory extractor; if I do go this route then it would have a Sako extractor.

LouBoyd 06-05-2011 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by Rikky Lee (Post 29688)
The eternal Everest question ... because I can and because it is there.
I wouldn't bother with the Rem factory extractor; if I do go this route then it would have a Sako extractor.

I've done worse conversions with the same reasoning. I once put a Willys jeep engine in an Austin Healy Sprite and drove it for over a year in college. Go for it!

Rikky Lee 06-09-2011 05:09 AM

Field test - the answer is "yes" to a 7 x 33 Sako fitting a Rem 700 223 bolt face. A slight skim to open it up would not go astray but manufacturing tolerances are suitably loose.

LouBoyd 06-09-2011 12:45 PM

Now all you need is to have a 7mm barrel with an appropriate twist (7"?) chambered and throated for the bullets you plan to use (custom reamer?) maybe modiify the magazine to feed properly, obtain brass, and reloading dies which can handle long bullets. Then work up suitable loads.

It's sort of like StarTrek. Going where no man has gone before....

Rikky Lee 06-09-2011 06:08 PM

Well actually.....

... got most of those already! Just looking for the most expensive bit ... the action!

I will now try the case on a Sako and see what happens.

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