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KillJoy149 11-09-2005 06:38 PM

Attn: Headspace Gauge Owners
I would like to rent someone's 7.62 x 39 Go and No-Go Gauges.

I am offering $20 + return shipping.

Would anyone be interested?


Quarterbore 11-09-2005 06:52 PM

I would not do this for just anybody but I am confident that you will take care of my tools... I have the Go/NoGo/Field gauges I can send you and I will not need them for a while...

Confirm you are interested and you know my paypal address... I will get them out ASAP USPS Priority mail.

KillJoy149 11-09-2005 08:56 PM

Absolutely! I really won't need them for a week or two. I really didn't think anyone would respond, let alone this soon.

I will get you the money within the next day or so. No great rush on getting them shipped out. I just did get my flats bent. Need to still get the lower rails welded in place. Probably not for a week or so.


Quarterbore 11-10-2005 09:15 AM

Now... I know you have done other builds but did you get the treigger guard and front trunion in first? I like to set the rail height off of the front trunion myself to make sure that the rails are lined up with the rail surface built into the trunion. My last build I used a much larger "G" sized bit to get ecerything linned up and hasd I used the more typical "E" bit I have a feeling I would have had some pretty good fitting to do later.

Like I said, I know you have done other builds and just wanted to check. I will be shipping the gauges on Saturday as I have a bunch of other stuff that needs to go out.

KillJoy149 11-10-2005 10:31 AM

On the last build I did, I put the lower rails in first. It turned out that a "C" drill bit lined things up about perfect.

I guess I could I could do the rails last on one. I do have 5 receivers, so, I could do them different ways.

I am going to try and remove the barrel pin by this weekend. I am getting some rivets ordered by this weekend. Hopefully this kit will be up and running by Christmas.


KillJoy149 11-10-2005 11:16 AM

Paypal Sent.


KillJoy149 11-14-2005 11:16 PM

I got the guages today.

Let me know if you need them sooner than expected.


Quarterbore 01-07-2006 01:40 AM

I sent you a PM a couple days ago... are you done with my gauges? I want to do another build but I don't have my gauges... I really need these back pretty soon!

KillJoy149 01-08-2006 05:51 PM

Sorry, I didn't see the PM notice! I'll get them out tomorrow!

Could you resend me your address?


Quarterbore 01-08-2006 09:07 PM

Quarterbore Inc
PO Box 337
Phoenixville PA 19460


KillJoy149 01-09-2006 09:15 AM

Man, I'm real sorry about that response delay. I just didn't notice the PM Notice. Especially since I said if I didn't get it back in time, to just say the word, and I would ship it back.

Well, sorry about that. I will get it shipped out this afternoon / evening. What is the value for Insurance?


Quarterbore 01-09-2006 09:49 AM

Replacement value would be about $90

KillJoy149 01-10-2006 08:21 PM



KillJoy149 01-15-2006 10:43 AM

QB - I got the gauges sent out yesterday via USPS. They said it should be there Wed or Thurs due to the Holiday.


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