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leadlauncher 11-06-2005 05:05 AM

G.day from Down Under
Been lurking for a couple of years. Am an old HP Silhouette Rifle shooter with no bones left, & have been chasing the "holy grail" of recoiless rounds capable of toppling the Rams @ 500 metres. Have accumulated much data & think I'm getting close. Will keep in touch. kind regards, leadlauncher. Australia.

Murmur 11-07-2005 03:45 PM

Hey there Leadlauncher.......Rams at 500m with a recoiless rifle sounds like a whole lot of fun. I'm no silohette shooter...just enjoy experimenting with my 300/221 contender carbine launching 240gr matchkings at subsonic speeds. It's kinda cool to have a Phhtttt, a small nudge on the shoulder then a 30 cal hole appear 200m down range on target. I'm just waiting to get my scope back from Premier reticles - its having multiple hold dots installed for 50m increments. I'm hoping that between my scope & range finder these very weary feral goats out my way better start heading for the hills now.
Welcome to the forum....I look forward to hearing about your experiences.

d-mon 11-07-2005 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by leadlauncher
Been lurking for a couple of years. Am an old HP Silhouette Rifle shooter with no bones left, & have been chasing the "holy grail" of recoiless rounds capable of toppling the Rams @ 500 metres. Have accumulated much data & think I'm getting close. Will keep in touch. kind regards, leadlauncher. Australia.

Are you not a bit optimistic to knock a ram out at 500m? Touching it would already be great.
I have no previous experience, but the banana trajectory is not easy to play with I imagine.
Would not you be better with a 338 whisper or BR?


leadlauncher 11-08-2005 05:04 AM

Ram Knock Down
G'day D-Mon,
It's all mainly about the bullets. I have also been playing with a .338 BR REM(read .338 Whisper) for about 18 months. Launching a 250 grain Lapua Scenar (BC .662) out of a Lapua 6MM br case , behind 21 grains of ADI2207 (aussie powder) realises 1492 ft/sec at the muzzle. This translates at 500 metres to a terminal momentum of 1.25 pound/inches. (Not bad considering that a 7mm08 with 162 Amax at MV of 2555 ft/sec is 1.35 pound/inches)
The figure bandied about for minimum ram knock down by the IHMSA gurus is approx .88 pound/inches. If you have some decent ballistic software like NF or RCBS LOAD, you can see that the 250 GRN Scenar loses little velocity over this distance. Well, I can tell you I am having lots of fun mucking around with this, and thats gotta be worth something. Have fun!! & regards. Leadlauncher.

d-mon 11-08-2005 08:37 PM

:) Have you tried 180 gr bullets in the 338 br? what kind of speed can you achieve? in a standard barrel?

So, can the 300 whisper be efficient on the ram at 500 meters?


leadlauncher 11-09-2005 05:27 AM

.338 BR Remington
Actual results as follows. 180 grain Nosler Ballistic Tip with 27.0 grains of ADI2205 is the fastest I have been @ 2252 ft/sec & MOA @ 100 metres. When I test I cut the section out of the target @ paste this into a log. At some stage I will probably scan this into a digital image & post on this site. I will keep you informed re the .300/221 as and when possible. regards. Leadlauncher.

tgmg 11-09-2005 01:42 PM

300 Whisper
Leadlauncher: About seven years ago I used the 300 Whisper in a TC Contender 14 inch barrel to compete in IHMSA. I had good results at the rams at the 250 meters. Then later on I built me a rifle for rifle competetion, at 500 meters it was not as good as I thought it would be, but with a little work and testing it became a good competeter. If you use the 180gr your sucess is better than average. I have used the 300 whisper to shoot wild boar, mule deer and bear down in California with great sucess. The round is an effective round when its limitations are known. I use it in a custom built AR15 now and still it is one of my favorite weapons to shoot.

d-mon 11-09-2005 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by leadlauncher
Actual results as follows. 180 grain Nosler Ballistic Tip with 27.0 grains of ADI2205 is the fastest I have been @ 2252 ft/sec & MOA @ 100 metres. When I test I cut the section out of the target @ paste this into a log. At some stage I will probably scan this into a digital image & post on this site. I will keep you informed re the .300/221 as and when possible. regards. Leadlauncher.

I thought it would have gone a bit faster, kind of 2450 fps at least. How long it your barrel?
Thank you.

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