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jimpa 04-03-2011 07:27 PM

22rf Twist and Suppressors
Had my cz452 out and was trying diff. subsonic rounds to see which ones were to it's liking. All shot really good,,, and then tryed the 60 gr super sniper
Had shot they in my heavy bbl Savage and they shot great. It must be too slow of a twist. Am thinking I got lucky and didnt destroy the Suppressor.
Something to think abnout.:frown:

Titleiiredneck 04-03-2011 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by jimpa (Post 28335)
Had my cz452 out and was trying diff. subsonic rounds to see which ones were to it's liking. All shot really good,,, and then tryed the 60 gr super sniper
Had shot they in my heavy bbl Savage and they shot great. It must be too slow of a twist. Am thinking I got lucky and didnt destroy the Suppressor.
Something to think abnout.:frown:

22rf most are 1-16 twist, the ss 60 gr require a 1-9 twist, your lucky!

d-mon 04-04-2011 06:15 AM

Actually, they would stabilize in a 1 in 12 twist.
The problem is that they are not made as the most accurate ammos, and just group under an inch at 50 m.hard to get better than that.
Accuracy might be improved with a barrel tuner and trials of different chambers dimensions and leads.
Expensive project...

amafrank 04-04-2011 11:34 AM

Results with the 60gr ammo seem to vary considerably. In some rifles it will tumble and in others it won't. As noted most .22RF rifles have a 1-16 twist and you will frequently find its not enough for the 60gr bullets. Volquartsen makes a 1-9 twist barrel for the 10/22 which works great. I've built a few pistol barrels with a 1-8 twist for suppressed High Standard HD's that also work fine. What you are going to find is that if you want to shoot the 60gr ammo with suppressors you will really need to have at least a 1-12 twist as our Kiwi friend noted but in the US more commonly found will be 1-9 or 1-8. As he also noted its not very accurate even in the faster twist rate barrels so don't expect benchrest accuracy. On the other hand the 60gr bullets are pretty hard on raccoons and other verminous troublemakers so an inch at 50yds isn't out of line for that purpose.


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