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snipecatcher 03-30-2011 09:22 PM

Trailboss is quiet!
It isn't ideal, but it does work. I started with 6.5 grains under a 90 XTP, and worked my way down to 5 grains. I would seat the bullet deeper to take up some of the case capacity for better consistency, but that's as deep as my seating stem will go! Velocities aren't very consistent. Last 5 shot string was 1094-1135 with the average at 1106. I think 4.8 grains will work, but will probably be even less consistent. A 125 boat-tail like the NBT would take up some more capacity and probably work better. With the gas port closed, this load is VERY quiet in my AR, and the last 4 shot group (I forgot to hold over on the first shot) at 100 yards was about 1.5". These bullets are made to expand at this velocity, and this will be my backyard pest control round:


Mike Bell 03-30-2011 09:29 PM

What grain bullet is that ?

Titleiiredneck 03-30-2011 10:18 PM

90gr xtp, cute little booger.

sha-ul 04-01-2011 09:25 PM

was that made for a 32acp?

Titleiiredneck 04-01-2011 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by sha-ul (Post 28274)
was that made for a 32acp?

30 carbine or 762x25 would be my guess

ToxicSports 04-03-2011 12:09 AM

Those are very interesting indeed! I replaced a handful of WOLF 7.62x39 fmj bullets with some 32acp bullets I had collecting dust for S&G's in the past.

Please keep us updated on your results and any further developments. I think I'll add some of the XTP's to my next order and see what the x39 can do with them at full throttle.

sha-ul 04-03-2011 02:41 PM

they look like they would make fun& cheap shooting

Malaga 04-03-2011 09:33 PM

I just ordered some to try...looks worth the effort...

snipecatcher 04-04-2011 06:59 PM

That load of 4.8 grains Trailboss under the XTP is incredibly quiet, I shot some more of them this past weekend. They do not feed from a magazine though. I think it's because the OAL is too short, and the HP just deforms if it gets slammed into the feed ramps. I have to push them into the chamber with my finger. I put a picture in another thread, but I guess I'll add it here too:


That one was run at 1900 fps into gallon water jugs. It blew up the first one, and stayed inside the second one. I haven't shot a water jug at subsonic velocities yet, but I think they will expand quite nicely. Someone should try it when you get some in.

thehouseproduct 04-05-2011 12:13 PM

Any quickload users that would like to offer some other powder options for full speed fun?:uzi2:
I wonder if this will feed OK in my single shot?

snipecatcher 04-05-2011 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by thehouseproduct (Post 28373)
Any quickload users that would like to offer some other powder options for full speed fun?:uzi2:
I wonder if this will feed OK in my single shot?

I used 2400 for supersonic loads. VVN110 or H110 should be fine also. I would start at 16 grains of 2400.

ToxicSports 04-08-2011 07:51 PM

Well, the Russian addition of Snipe's thread has begun. I just got my order today and will try to test some subsonic loads this weekend. However, don't let me stop anyone else testing at sub velocities.

On the other end of the velocity spectrum, I also loaded a few full power loads by utilizing some WOLF factory cartridges for my cases and powder.

I know that I won't get match accuracy, or the best velocity, with the smaller bullets through my Rem 799's barrel but it's gonna be fun none the less!

snipecatcher 04-08-2011 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by ToxicSports (Post 28474)
Well, the Russian addition of Snipe's thread has begun. I just got my order today and will try to test some subsonic loads this weekend. However, don't let me stop anyone else testing at sub velocities.

On the other end of the velocity spectrum, I also loaded a few full power loads by utilizing some WOLF factory cartridges for my cases and powder.

I know that I won't get match accuracy, or the best velocity, with the smaller bullets through my Rem 799's barrel but it's gonna be fun none the less!

It probably won't work quite as well, since you will be working with a bit more case capacity, but you may be able to use heavier (150-180 gr.) bullets seated deep to take up some of the volume. I would start with a 123 grain bullet at normal seating depth with a case full and work down from there. I would imagine you will be around 1300 fps with a full case. Somebody with quickload may be able to verify that.

ToxicSports 04-08-2011 09:02 PM

Snipe, I'm not really worried about the results other than to see what will happen. I'm one of those guys who's "what if" butten has been pressed so many times it's stuck.:grin:

My normal subs are 174gr FMJBT's (loaded forward or backward) over 6gr of trailboss but I have gone as heavy as 220gr for testing over 6gr of TB with positive results.

I might also add I will be testing some Hornady 86gr semi jacketed round nose (.308) as well.

Have you had any luck hunting any varmints with your loads yet?

snipecatcher 04-09-2011 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by ToxicSports (Post 28483)
Snipe, I'm not really worried about the results other than to see what will happen. I'm one of those guys who's "what if" butten has been pressed so many times it's stuck.:grin:

My normal subs are 174gr FMJBT's (loaded forward or backward) over 6gr of trailboss but I have gone as heavy as 220gr for testing over 6gr of TB with positive results.

I might also add I will be testing some Hornady 86gr semi jacketed round nose (.308) as well.

Have you had any luck hunting any varmints with your loads yet?

I haven't had the opportunity to shoot anything with the 90 XTP's, but I did shoot a pig with a 208 A-max. It poked a 30 caliber hole clean through, but still, the pig was dead within 150 yards or so. I'm done shooting subsonics though, because my barrel does not stabilize them, and I had another baffle strike recently. The only thing I had been shooting that day was the 90 XTP's, so apparently NOTHING works in my barrel. I'll just stick to supersonics until I can afford another barrel someday.

Crawdaddy 04-10-2011 01:40 AM


Originally Posted by snipecatcher (Post 28503)
... and I had another baffle strike recently.

:eek: Hope there wasn't too much damage!

N310toN170 05-12-2011 03:01 PM

QuickLoad info:

1.562" COL gets you equal depth of seating and bullet diameter (.309) @1.355" trim length

16" barrel (bolt action assumed)

Alliant 2400 @ 16gns (96% case capacity) nets ~97% burn @ ~2400 fps
Hodgdon H110 @ 18.8gns (99% case capacity) nets ~91% burn @ ~2350 fps
Hodgdon Lil'Gun @ 18.4gns (100% case capacity) nets ~97% burn @ ~2400

skibum845 05-14-2011 02:12 PM

Has anyone else had any experience shooting any heavier bullets over Trailboss? What velocities were you getting? I have tried the 178gr A-max over 6.0gr's with good results.

ToxicSports 05-16-2011 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by skibum845 (Post 29051)
Has anyone else had any experience shooting any heavier bullets over Trailboss? What velocities were you getting? I have tried the 178gr A-max over 6.0gr's with good results.

I shoot both 174 and 220gr Hornady over 6gr of TB. I need to re test them over the chrony but if I recall the 220 was under 1000fps and the 174 was a tad over 1000fps. Please don't quote me on these since I have lost (or misplaced) the results.

My favorite load is the 174 loaded backwards. I have a few with the boat tail drilled to make a nice HP that I want to test this summer but the flat point works great as-is.

HUNTER2 05-16-2011 11:38 PM

I can not get that much TB in a case with the heavy bullets....

ToxicSports 05-17-2011 07:27 AM

Sorry. I forgot to mention that I shoot 7.62x39 which has slightly more case capacity. Also, the 220gr bullets are the round nose flat base design which has a shorter OAL.

N310toN170 08-02-2011 02:21 PM

I put together a mock up round to get a feel for OAL and case capacity, then followed up with a QL mock up as well. Here are the details:

1.575" COL (nets a seating depth of 7.63mm)

I had to get ahold of a Redding seating stem #6 to reach this short of an OAL. Their customer service (Redding) has once again proven to be top notch for both customer service as well as technical expertise.

19gn of H110 shows 99.5% case capacity and a potential velocity of just under 2400 fps. I'm not sure if this round will hold up to these velocities in a fast twist barrel but someone did post earlier of speeds ~1900 fps.

Also showing a powder burnt % of 91% indicating that this should cycle an AR but feeding will mostly likely not be reliable given the HP design and short OAL.

Fritzcat 08-07-2011 11:49 AM

I tried TB in my AR15 762x39 /220gr RN, 458 Socom / 500gr RN, 300W / 220RN, and 308 Win / 180RN & 220RN. It is the powder I use in the 308 Win and found better powders for the other cal. for cycling and the 458 Socom needs a short barrel to reduce bullet drag. I use mostly RN for hog hunting.

Idge 10-24-2011 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by ToxicSports (Post 29131)
I shoot both 174 and 220gr Hornady over 6gr of TB. I need to re test them over the chrony but if I recall the 220 was under 1000fps and the 174 was a tad over 1000fps. Please don't quote me on these since I have lost (or misplaced) the results.

My favorite load is the 174 loaded backwards. I have a few with the boat tail drilled to make a nice HP that I want to test this summer but the flat point works great as-is.

Don't flip them backward just Dremal and Drill. 210 grain HP from 220 grain OTM the ones under it are 216 grains from 220 OTM Remington 300 Blackouts. Very easy to do.

sgms18 10-31-2011 11:48 PM

I shoot mostly 220gr pro hunters and 240 Outlaw in a 7in bbl ar. I use VVN110 and 1680 and they work well but not that quiet. Would trailboss be quieter AND cycle the action?

snipecatcher 11-01-2011 08:46 PM

Trailboss will not work for heavy bullets. I only used it for the 90 grain bullets because they don't take up much case capacity like the longer bullets do. You do not want to compress Trailboss. I wouldn't try it for anything heavier than 125 grain subsonic. I've only tested it with the 90 XTP's, so go forth at your own risk.

sgms18 11-02-2011 12:10 AM

Ok, thanks for the info

i8asquirrel 11-13-2011 12:38 AM

Snipercatcher, I flattened a foked horn Blacktail buck with the 90 gr XTP at about 35 yds the Bullet worked great. DRT kill one round in the bioler room. the load was 9.8 gr Trailboss and a cci 300 ....from my Boltgun it is way quite through my can its sounds like an airgun...:smile:

i8asquirrel 11-13-2011 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by i8asquirrel (Post 33965)
Snipercatcher, I flattened a foked horn Blacktail buck with the 90 gr XTP at about 35 yds the Bullet worked great. DRT kill one round in the bioler room. the load was 9.8 gr Trailboss and a cci 300 ....from my Boltgun it is way quite through my can its sounds like an airgun...:smile:

correction the load is 4.8 gr of trailboss

mak91 11-14-2011 08:35 AM

FYI, since you said you didn't have a chrony 4.8 gr trailboss, 90 gr xtp run 945 – 1040 fps out of my 16 inch bolt gun at 90 degrees & 900 ft above sea level.

snipecatcher 11-14-2011 10:28 AM

They were running close to that out of my 10" barrel also. This load does not need much barrel to work, as it is basically an inefficient 380 auto in 30 caliber. :grin:

When I get my new barrel in I'll probably experiment with these some more. I'm glad to hear you've had luck with the Trailboss load.

i8asquirrel 11-14-2011 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by mak91 (Post 33980)
FYI, since you said you didn't have a chrony 4.8 gr trailboss, 90 gr xtp run 945 – 1040 fps out of my 16 inch bolt gun at 90 degrees & 900 ft above sea level.

Thanks for the info....I as hoping for something close to that vel. I know I was out in the orchard last evening and shooting some pears I had placed on a fence rail at about 50 yds. The sound of the THWACK when the pear explodes was louder than the discharge of the weapon.:nanabang:
I am at 300' elevation and it was rainy and 45 degrees!

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