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snipecatcher 03-01-2011 02:51 PM

If it's pistol position with Paladin gas block, you may try 2400. It is faster than the others, and cycles my rifle w/out a suppressor, which is set up the same as yours.

Also, Spook, I sen you a PM.

Code_4 03-01-2011 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by buffetdestroyer (Post 27343)
Make sure your gas block & tube are tight. You may be leaking a little bit of gas out of there that creates a louder impulse sound.

Alliant 2400 and N110 are what I use for my pet loads.

How do you like the Fail Zero?

I am going to loctite up the gasblock. I do have a little leakage around it as it does not fit super snug. I am going to get some A2400 and N110 to try out.

So far the Fail Zero carrier seems nice. It is the re-branded one by Spikes. Time will tell if it is worth the extra coin or not...cool factor is definitely up there.

I like the overall length of my 300 WTF right now with the short barrel. My can is long at 10" so any longer and she gets unwieldy. I guess I need to drop my expectations a little. Hopefully the powder changes will calm me down.

Thanks for all the advice guys...I appreciate it.

ohnomrbillk 03-01-2011 05:16 PM

300 Wtf
What size is your gas port?

Code_4 03-01-2011 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by ohnomrbillk (Post 27349)
What size is your gas port?

I believe Arron at DeltaCompany made it .115. I never measured it before I put it all together. I am taking the block off to reseal it and I will get a measurement when I do.

Code_4 03-07-2011 10:13 PM

Ok here is my updates. Measured Gas port and it's .110. I checked and rechecked my gas block alignment...it's good. I picked up Alliant 2400 powder. It will not cycle it. I ran 10 grains of 2400 and it yielded me 1300FPS avg....without BHO or cycling. Does that seem weird to anyone?

So basically I have used A1680 and it works, but blows my ear drums up. 4227, 2400, H110 all will not BHO or cycle the gun at Subsonic velocities. I have not purchased N110 yet. It is going to cost me a shit load since I have to order it and pay hazmat. Plus I am thinking if none of these other powders are GTG it will not be either.

My loads are all 2.15" COAL, remington 7.5 primers and Forester Die made brass.

I tried a little lighter bolt and that did not make a difference. Should I try a lighter buffer spring? If so which one and where would I get it? Should I abandon TP555's gas black and go to a JP or PRI adjustable?
Any other ideas.....???

rsilvers 03-07-2011 10:23 PM

Your choices are to use A1680 like the load data I put out, or open your gas port all the way and use H110 or N110. It will be quieter, but you won't be able to shoot full power ammo without hyper cycling the gun. Also it would help to sound meter your silencer compared to some others.

Code_4 03-07-2011 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by rsilvers (Post 27571)
Your choices are to use A1680 like the load data I put out, or open your gas port all the way and use H110 or N110. It will be quieter, but you won't be able to shoot full power ammo without hyper cycling the gun. Also it would help to sound meter your silencer compared to some others.

Would TP's block at Half gas prevent the "hyper cycling" you are referring to? Nice edit on the can....

TCCrewchief76 03-07-2011 10:52 PM

Are you using a rifle length buttstock? There's definitely something going on if your port is that large, and you aren't cycling with 2400 at those charges.
Is the bolt even moving? Perhaps you have the gas block in the incorrect position?


Code_4 03-07-2011 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by TCCrewchief76 (Post 27573)
Are you using a rifle length buttstock? There's definitely something going on if your port is that large, and you aren't cycling with 2400 at those charges.
Is the bolt even moving? Perhaps you have the gas block in the incorrect position?


It is a carbine stock. I have tried all the settings on the block and the one I am using gives the most movement of the bolt. With 2400 it would move about half way back. Below is what she looks like.


snipecatcher 03-07-2011 11:34 PM

Strange. My 10" barrel, despite the other problems has cycled just about everything. I've used 2400 powder, and I've used 110 grain bullets at subsonic velocities, and all cycle. This was with no muzzle device. In fact, it was cycling with a bit too much authority, so I added a heavy buffer. With the heavier buffer, it will still cycle sub loads with VVN110 about 90% of the time with no muzzle device, and 100% with a Noveske Pig.

EDIT: Ask TP555 what he drills his gas ports to. I didn't write it down, but off the top of my head, I think it's something like .169.


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