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Sami 02-14-2011 12:57 PM

Hornady AMAX 208gr loads?
I've tried H110 with this bullet, even at supersonics it will not cycle. I can't find AA1680 or N110 locally but I might be able to locate RL7 which I read that would cycle with this bullet. Anyone have any loads for this combo or possibly N530 or Ramshot TAC?

I found this for 220gr and N530 (which should be similar to TAC):


If I were to try this on 208gr bullet, I probably should start higher, right? 16gr still should be able to fit into the case. I might be better off just copying what others have already shot but if I can establish safe guidelines on where to start, I would not mind experimenting myself.

TCCrewchief76 02-14-2011 03:01 PM

We need to know where your gas port is and what size it has been drilled to. We also need to know what your barrel length is. 1680 and similar are good for carbine length gas systems (16" barrels), and the 2400 burn rate powders are good for subsonic with large gas port holes in the pistol position. Just need a little more load info to help you out.


Sami 02-14-2011 03:20 PM

SI defense 16" 300 Fireball barrel with pistol length gas port location. Gas block is from a 16" .223 upper.


TCCrewchief76 02-15-2011 02:11 AM

Still need the port size. Try the largest drill bit shank that will fit the port hole.

Sami 02-15-2011 12:34 PM

I am waiting on confirmation from SI before I take it off. Should I be looking at increasing the size and go with an adjustable block?

Sami 02-15-2011 01:00 PM

Reply from SI:


.056" on the pistol location. It may have to be enlarged with ammunition types such as subsonics or the use of suppressors. An adjustable gas block is highly recommended.

TCCrewchief76 02-16-2011 05:00 AM


Originally Posted by Sami (Post 27040)
I am waiting on confirmation from SI before I take it off. Should I be looking at increasing the size and go with an adjustable block?

Uh, yeah. Mines over twice that size at .118". Cycles the subs just fine with 8 grains of 2400.


Sami 02-16-2011 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by TCCrewchief76 (Post 27055)
Uh, yeah. Mines over twice that size at .118". Cycles the subs just fine with 8 grains of 2400.


Seems like I will need to disassemble it and put it on the drill press then. Any recommendations for a low profile adjustable gas block, or should I first see if size increase will do the trick alone?

TCCrewchief76 02-16-2011 05:00 PM

Your block should be fine. You will need a good drill press, and a bunch of incrementally larger drill bits. You need to drill that port in as small of an increment as possible to lessen the possibility of burrs inside the barrel. I would actually recommend sending it off to Spook here on the forum for that. I've had two barrels built by him, and can't recommend him highly enough.


Sami 02-16-2011 06:47 PM

I already got it done. Started with one that actually fit in and worked my way up from there to 2.8mm (7/64). It's back up assembled and ready to go testing as soon as I reload some more ammo.

Thank you for your help, much appreciated!

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