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Official Rent Quarterbore's DPH AK-47 Flat Bending Jig - Second Tour
NOTICE!!! This rotation of the Jig at these terms is NOW CLOSED!!!!
I have started a new thread to prepare for a 3rd Roation with different terms. If anybody wants to rent the jig and they are not on the list on Page 1 of this thread then you need to sign up in the new thread here: http://www.quarterbore.net/forums/showthread.php?t=875 Members as listed below will get the jig as described in this thread before the 3rd Rotation starts! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My last round of renting my 555th jig just didn't work out so great and it became extremely frustrating for me because people didn't let me know when they got my tools, they don't take care of the tools when they used them, they didn't let me know when they are done, they took forever to ship them to the next person when they were done, they didn't let me know when they were shipped.... or they simply lied to me. I am very reluctant to try this again but I have had at least three people contact me to express interest in renting one of my jigs and honestly most guys where great. The problem is still that the shipping from me plus any rent plus shipping back to me would cost a person about $56 or more (est $18 shipping w/ insurance + $20 rent + $18 to return). That is just too much money and that is why I was trying to run the rotation as I had done before so, I am going to give this ONE last try.... but before you sign up for this list: You must agree to the following terms: 1. You will POST IN THIS THREAD when you receive the jig. 2. You will POST IN THIS THREAD when you are done using the jig. 3. You will pay shipping plus insurance for $200 WITH A TRACKING NUMBER. 4. You will POST IN THIS THREAD what the tracking number is as soon as you ship. 5. You MUST subscribe to this thread or allow e-mail from the board so that I can let you know when you should pay your rent and so that you will know what is happening. As for costs, I am going to stick with the original cost structure... Your Rent of $20 includes The use of a DPH Arms Flat bending Jig and my grease to do upto five flats. Each extra flat after five I would like to request that an extra $0.50 be paid to help cover the additional wear on the jig. You will also be expected to then ship the jig to the next person as described above. I will try to have two people paid in advance so that the jig can keep moving... Examples: You Bend 1 to 5 flats - $20 + shipping to next person You Bend 6 flats - $20 + shipping to next person + $0.50 in the box) You Bend 20 flats - $20 + shipping to next person + $7.50 in the box (15 extra at $0.50) You host a build party and you all do 40 flats = $20 + shipping to next person + $17.50 in the box (5 included + 35 extra at $0.50/each) Now, if you have someone over to use the jig or two people on the list live close to each other... you can build together or share the tools... all I ask is that you POST WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE and be aware that the person that is signed up here is responsible for my tools. I will maintain a list here of who is on this list and where the jig is at based on the posts THAT YOU MAKE BELOW telling EVERYBODY where the jig is at.... So, please post below if you want on this list and your post asigns you your position in the line... Jig Rotation List (Status) 2. mwebster - IM sent via forums to Pay 8-Sep-2005 - PAID 9-Sept-2005 (Webster) - Jig Shipped 9-9-2005 Tracking Number 1Z5AR53203000083448 - Should receive jig on 19-Sept-2005 - Jig received 19-Sept Finished 19-Sept - Address for Darknight provided 19-Sept 3. Lanceman - IM Sent via forums to send payment 19-Sept-2005 - Paid 20-Sept-2005 (49R912126H8580411) - Will receive jig from mwebster - Received jig 9-23-05 Jig returned to Quarterbore because of problems with the jig. 5. bigsexy408 - Requested Rent 27-Sept-2005 - Paid 28-Sept (rodriguez) - Jig shipped from Quarterbore on 10/19 2005 Tracking Number 1Z5AR4350300076354 - Notified QB that he is done 10-30-05 6. KillJoy149 - IM sent via forums to Pay 30-Oct-2005 - Address provided to bigsexy408 1-Nov-2005 7. tuolumnejim - asked to pay 11-06-2005 - payment received Nov-07-2005 (Martinez) - Received jig frolm Killjoy 11-18-2005 - mondtster 's address provided 11-21-2005 8. mondtster - Paid 11-20-2005 (Mondt in Sioux Falls, SD) - Will be getting jig from tuolumnejim - Sent DarkKnights address Dec 6, 2005 1. DarkKnight (Asked to Pay) - IM sent via forums to Pay 8-Sep-2005 - PAID 9-9-2005 (Cho) - dropped in line by request (waiting on press) - IM sent 10-30-05 asking if ready to use jig - Dropped in line again by request 11-01-05 - IM sent 11-06-05 asking if ready to use jig - Dropped in line again by QB Nov-08-2005 - Dropped in line again 11-21-2005 - Received jig 12-11-2005 - Address for myco4you provided by QB 12/17/2005 9. myco4you - Asked to pay rent Dec 11, 2005 - Sending Money Order - Money order received 12/17/2005 - address provided above - Done with the jig 27-Dec-2005 dodge15's address provided 10. dodge15 - Asked to pay Dec 15, 2005 - Paid PayPal Dec 18, 2005 (Davenport on LA) - Address provided to above 27-Dec-2005 - Received jig 7-Jan-2006 - Done with jig 26-Jan-2006 - Address for mk1271 provided 27-Jan-2006 GREAT NEWS!!! I got the third DPH jig and it will be put into circulation as soon as I can find a good shipping box, wrenches, and more grease... 11. boatdoc - Asked to pay 12-27-2005 - E-mail reminder sent 2-Jan-2006 (Will be deleted from list in 1-week) - Dropped from the list by request 1-Jan-2006 12. Wrangler - Asked to pay 12-27-2005 - Does not need the jig made his own! 14. fuzzy_dba - Asked to pay 2-Jan-2006 - PAID 2-Jan-2006 T Shores - Will get Jig #2 First (Shipping 15-Jan-2006) - Jig shipped 16-Jan-2006 - Jig Delivered 1-18-2006 - Done with Jig 1-27-2006 - Yankeefan's Address provided 1-27-2006 - 15. mk1271 (Wants to pay via Money Order) - PAID - Willl be getting jig from dodge15 - Address provided to dodge15 on 26-Jan-2006 - Received jig 01-31-2006 - Done with jig 2-11-2006 - Address of theflatfoot provided 2-11-06 16. Yankeefan - Asked to pay 15-Jan-2006 - Paid 16-Jan-2006 (Perkins) - Address provided to fuzzy_dba 1-27-2006 - Will be getting Jig #2 - Jig received Feb 6 -2006 - Done with jig 2-Mar-2006 - Provded address for mondtster on 2-Mar-2006 17. theflatfoot - Asked to pay 15-Jan-2006 - Paid 16-Jan-2006 (Satterfield) - Will be getting the jig from mk1271 - Done with the jig 24-Feb-2006 - Tala's address provided 24-Feb-2006 18. Tala - Asked to pay 1-30-2006 - Paid 2-1-2006 (Doesn't want the jig before 2-12!) - Will be getting Jig #1 from theflatfoot - Done with the Jig 4-Mar-2006 - RETURNING JIG #1 to QUARTERBORE for Inspection (TALA was Member #10 to use the jig) 19. mondtster - Asked to pay (2nd use) 13-Feb-2006 - Payment received 13-Feb-2006 - Will be getting Jig #2 from Yankeefan - Address provided 2-Mar-2006 20. d.hauser - Paid 3-Mar-2006 (Hauser) - Received Jig 30-Mar-2006 - Done with jig 13-Apr-2006 - Going to replace bolts & expects to ship jig Apr 17th - Oldmanpaintball's address provided 13-Apr-2006 21. mightyt11 - Paid 3-Mar-2006 (Marrero) - Quarterbore shipped Jig on 3-Apr-2006 (UPS Tracking 1Z5AR4350300573316) - Jig delivered 6-Apr-2006 - Done 15-Apr-2006 - Provided with ixtow's name and address 15-Apr-2006 23. Oldmanpaintball - Payment Requested 6-Apr-2006 - payment received 11-Apr (Benson) - Will be getting jig from d.hauser 24. ixtow - Payment mailed 3-Mar-2006 - payment received (Date uncertain) - Will be getting jig from mightyt11 - done with the jig 1-May-2006 coaldogie's address provided 1-May-2006 25. coaldogie - Payment Requested 7-Apr-2006 - Money Order received (Note to self - address in PM box) - Will get jig #1 from ixtow - Shipped 2-May-2006 - Indicated he will be done May 16th - Address of ShuckersFan provided May 14th 26. ShuckersFan - Payment Requested 23-Apr-2006 - Payment received 24-Apr-2006 (Plambeck) - Will be getting Jig #1 from coaldogie Quote:
Following are some links to help with bending your flats: Very Good Write up by AK-Builder.com |
I'm in for a rental
Hey QB,
I'm in for a rental, and thanks for making this possible for us! :nanabang: |
Quick update... the jig is on it's way back to me and I should have it on Aug 30th... I will clean her up and replace any bolts that need to be replaced and do a test bend before I start sending her out again...
Any chance you'll be renting this jig around next summer? or maybe Around christmas? Im not able to rent it until then, but would agree to all the terms and return it in good shape. Thanks
It's up to you, but flats are about $15 (or less) so you could order 5 or even 10 and bend them up and just put them away for any future builds you may want to do. With the jig I include everything you need except the press and a 12-ton press will likely do anything you need to ever do and you can get one for under $125. Either way, if I am still renting the jig you can get it then or I can add you to the list when you have a press you can use. |
I also want to rent this jig, once it has been re-furbished. I have 5 flats on the way.
Hey Quarterbore, I would like to rent your jig when it becomes available. I have access to a press that will work and have 5 flats (probably more if I get the jig) that desire to be bent :) Anyway I am over at AR15.com or AK47.net under the same name plus if you want to check out the positive feedback on my e-bay account (I will provide on request) you will see I am trustworthy and do things in a timely manner. Officially sign me up please and I will check back in here to see what to do. Thanks, Lance
I'm interested in renting. More interested in purchasing. xecutive@tmail.com
Tool Rental
I'm interested in your jig rental. To be on the safe side I'll rent thru a locfal gunshopm I use regularly. These guys-Steve's Gun Shop is a Class III dealer & a great guy to boot. Please put US in line for the rental!
Regards, John B.-Phoenix01@comcast.net As to drawings,etc. I'd like to get from you- Glock Switch details,drawings with dimensions,& most anything else along these lines. |
UPDATE ON THE JIGS I received BOTH jigs this week Weds and Thursday and bot jigs came back in good shape. I have a surprize for you all in that you will NOT be getting either of these jigs however! I just purchased a DPH jig that I will be sending out for this rental period. The DPH Jig has been shipped and I should have it next week. I will be selling one of my two 555th jigs. The jig I will be selling is my Jig #2 from my previous rotation and I am looking to sell that for $100 + shipping. If anybody on the list wants that jig you have essenially first dibs (I did offer it to another guy) and first person that says they want it gets it... I will be listing the jig for sale tomorrow or Sunday (9/3 or 9/4/05) at latest. I will be starting the list on the first post as soon as I have the DPH jig and I am sure that there is no issues with it. I will bend a flat and take some new pics and post directions as the DPH jig is essentailly the same as the 555th jig but I see damage on my 555th jig where guys just didn't do what they should have done. I hope with better instructions my tools will be better taken care of. QB |
I would like to buy your jig. How would I go about doing so?
-Steve |
i would love to rent this a jig at the end of this month
Great News!!!
I finally got the DPH Jig and it looks great! It has the alignment pins and this baby is solid... I am going to bend a flat or two tonight and take lots of pics plus mark up the jig to help prevent some of the dammage that I saw with the old jigs. You will see in the pics... I am starting the list now and the first two people on the list will be asked to pay. Sorry for the delay but this new jig is well worth the delay. QB |
I used the jig tonight to bend a flat and the jig does a really nice job. I took 140 pics of the process and tools and it will take me some time to go through the files and pick the best and most important pics and cut down the images to a reasonable size and add text... I will try to get this done as soon as possible. The files at this point take up 118MB of disk space!
Following is a photo of the tools that I will be shipping: http://www.quarterbore.com/dph-jig-01/tools-01.jpg Note: DPH Flat Bending Jig One LONG Piece of Steel to be used BETWEEN Press arm and Jig One Short Piece of Steel to be used between jig and hammer when poping jig out of form after bending flat 1 4mm Allen Wrench 1 5mm Allen Wrench Can of all purpose grease and small brush to apply it with (Note I will not be shipping my 12-ton press so you will need one to use the jig!) I have uploaded a bunch of pics of the flat I bent tonight including some side by side pics of my new bent flat next to a 100% OOW receiver that I own. You can browse thos pictures here: http://www.quarterbore.com/dph-jig-01/ |
I am #2 on the list. I paid today and I am ready to go. Well, not really...my press is arriving on the 13th :D and my flats should be here any day. The timing should be perfect, since #1 could have it for more than a week right?
#1 Just paid!
Great! I just sent my paypal payment as well!
:nanabang: |
As an aside, if you look at my pics of my receiver you will see some scratches on the flat I bent. This was a new flat for me and it seemed that the steel was a little harder then the tapco flats I have used in the past as it seemed to take more force to bend these. This may be the reason for the scratches but these scratches will buff out and will be covered later. I think if I was to have helped the jig out by LIGHTLY starting the bend before I put the jig "die" into the "form" that there may have been less marking as well. If anybody does decide to put a little pre-bend of the flat just remeber to be careful on how you do this to ensure that the bend occurs at the corner where you want the bend and not somewhere else... The other fix might be to sand and buff the top edge of the jig to remove the rough edges but as I said before, I never had these scratches with other flats so it may be something with this new flat I tried to use. |
SIGN ME UP! For the second round, that is!
I was on the first rotation, and everything worked perfect. I just would like a few more bent flats. I only did two the first time around. KillJoy |
i cant waite im goin out tomorrow to buy a press
Darknight... I screwed up and I am VERY sorry about it! I accidently sent the jig to mwebster who was second on the list. I had printed out the paypal slips and took them with me to ship the package and I just messed up. You will get it next and I am VERY SORRY!
SO everybody understands the pricing for shipping... Shipping from me in PA to Monte in UT cost me $25.65 + $1.20 for insurance on the package ($26.85). Obviously given the rent is only $20 I need to have a few people rent the jig before I recover the inital sending the jig out. |
No problem
I just saw this note today.
That's ok, because I still have to get my butt over to HF or some place to buy a press. Any chance we can get a rivet tool or a barrel press jig to rent as well? BTW anyone in Northern VA looking to do this, and that doesn't have a press, you can buy my press off of me when I'm done. No room in my casa for such a big item.... |
http://ar15.com/forums/topic.html?b=4&f=51&t=75597 You don't need the 20-ton press as I have used a 12-ton for quite some time with no real problems but the extra working room that you gain with the 20-ton is nice. The 20-ton is on sale and they have a 20% off coupon that expires 9/15/2005 (tomorrow). Even though I havethe 12-ton I just went out and bought a 20-ton last night. I do not think the 12-ton is on sale but 20% is still pretty good even if you go with the smaller unit. Now, if space is an issue, the 12-ton is nice as it is portable (Ie lighter). I can carry mine around by myself and it takes up very little room in a garrage or basement. I have found myself using my press for all kinds of stuff now that I have it... bending - flattening, squashing things, holding things while I drill or cut them, etc... A press is a handy tool or so I have found. |
12 ton
Yeah, last week they had the 12 ton on sale for 109 or so, and stupid me missed it.
They also have a 12 ton with a A frame instead of the square frame. Would the A frame one be ok too? The 6 ton is more in my price range, I just don't want to get one and find out it's barely what I need and I have a huge hassle with it. |
The 12-Ton A-Frame will work just fine.
It is currently on sale online for $99. KillJoy |
I have used the 12-ton H-frame and I am moving up to the 20 to get more room... The 12-ton "A" will work as KillJoy149 said and is just a little smaller then the 12-ton "H" press as far as working area. The 6-ton is WAY TOO SMALL and you will no be able to press barrels or do a number of things you will need (want) to do with it. Print the advertisment for the 12-ton "A" press and the 20% off coupon and you will have a useful press for about $80. It is light enough that you can cary it around to where you want it so storage is pretty easy.
http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/cta...temnumber=1667 |
Have you seen this:
Homier 12 ton press It looks like the exact same press as the HF one. If you live in the right place, it might be cheaper, even with the shipping. It can ship to me for under $100. I noticed that shipping prices did go up recently....!@#$%^& gas prices. :mad: |
Put me in line
I was thinking about making a jig but for under 30.00 to rent it wont pay my time build one. For a reference just look up my name on Ebay and I post a bit on 1919a4.com.
Jim P.S. I only have 2 flats right now how much time would I have before it was shipped this way? I'll call Tapco and get 3 more. |
Glad to see you got on... You should have time to get your flats... Most people can bend their flats in a weekend but shipping takes a week between each person and some people can take a couple weeks... So, you likely have at least a month to get your flats and tapco has them in stock and ship within a day... ak-builder.com is slower in shipping but even they should be able to get you them.
Thanks for sending the link
Jim |
I am going to be building my first AK and would like to be added to the list.
Thanks! |
Add me to your list for the DPH rental.
Let me know when I should pay my share of the rental fee. |
#1 is Done
The package was waiting for me when I got home from work tonight. A couple hours later my flats were done! Worked great. No issues, no problems. I repacked it exactly as it was and it is ready to roll. Email me the next victim's info and I will send it on. And THANKS for this rental gig....a nice thing for you to organize and setup. Everybody play nice and take care of the gear....or else. :ak47: Just an observation: The AK's I've built before were constructed on receivers from Coldsteel or the laser-cut fold-n-weld ones and they are much thicker and feel so much more solid than these bent flats. I guess I will see how they build. It seems like a trade between a solid receiver and all the "features" and ease of these flats. |
Sorry I never got the pics up for you as an example but it is pretty darned easy... I sent you a PM with the address for DarkKnight... Please post shipping info when the tools are shipped. |
Lanceman has been asked to pay now...
Can you skip me?
My press isn't here yet. Can you skip me and ship it to the next guy? I just got on today and saw that the first guy was already done. I don't want to hold it up a week or more if I don't even have my press yet. |
Luckily, I have not shipped yet. Was going to on my way home from work (ina hour or so). Send me the next addr and I will send it there. QB, if you are waiting for $$ or commitment still, then I will just wait till someone is ready and you send me the info.
:uzi2: |
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