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L1A1Rocker 11-29-2010 11:52 AM

Just spoke to Robin at Redding. He said that their 221/300 Fireball dies ARE compatible with the new 300 BLK with one exception. The crimp ring is in the wrong location to work on the 300 BLK. As I don't crimp anyhow I don't see this as a big problem.

Scalce 11-29-2010 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by robrob (Post 25014)
The BATF has answered this question and you do not have to add any markings to a rifle or shotgun that already has a manufacturer and serial # on it. If you make one from scratch (I've done both), you have to engrave/stamp all your info on it, at least .003 deep and 1/16" in size.

I think you are mistaken as you would be the only person I have ever heard this from.

You don't have to engrave an SBRed lower that is getting transferred to an individual only if it was already registered as an SBR from the original manufacturer or owner.

If you submit a Form 1 for a non-SBRed factory lower that is already engraved with the manufacturer and serial #, you still need to get it engraved with your name (or Trust name) and the location.

As an example on a standard Bushie:
The Bushmaster name
original serial number
Windham, ME

If you are an individual in another state and want to SBR the lower you will need to also engrave:
Your name or Trust
Your City and State

You can't use just the factory engraving as they are not the ones who technically manufactured the SBR.

robrob 11-29-2010 02:43 PM

Disregard this post, it was contradicted by additional info!

I don't have a copy of the letter but I have seen an official letter from the ATF stating that it's not necessary to add any additional info to a factory rifle/shotgun/lower receiver to register it as a SBR/SBS. I've had several Form 1s for SBRs approved with only Bushmaster's original info and serial # on the form.

Are you guys listing your name/trust name in block h, "Additional Description (Include all numbers and other identifying data which will appear on the firearm)"? If not then the BATF has approved your SBR with its current markings.

Of course when I registered my home-milled AR lower as an SBR I did have to put all my gun trust info on the lower.

With all that said it doesn't hurt to include your info on the weapon, but it isn't required.


Scalce 11-29-2010 02:56 PM


Originally Posted by robrob (Post 25071)
I don't have a copy of the letter but I have seen an official letter from the ATF stating that it's not necessary to add any additional info to a factory rifle/shotgun/lower receiver to register it as a SBR/SBS. I've had several Form 1s for SBRs approved with only Bushmaster's original info and serial # on the form.

Are you guys listing your name/trust name in block h, "Additional Description (Include all numbers and other identifying data which will appear on the firearm)"? If not then the BATF has approved your SBR with its current markings.

Of course when I registered my home-milled AR lower as an SBR I did have to put all my gun trust info on the lower.

With all that said it doesn't hurt to include your info on the weapon, but it isn't required.


If what you are saying is correct, I don't understand why all of the class 3 dealers are not aware.

My stamp has:

3b - My Trust name and address

4a - The rifle's original markings

4h - blank - "Additional Description (Include all numbers and other identifying data which will appear on the firearm)"

robrob 11-29-2010 03:29 PM

After researching the issue there seems to be a final decision by the BATF that you do indeed have to mark all SBR/SBSs created using a BATF Form 1.

In this thread both the original letter from the BATF saying no markings required and a follow up letter that says it is required is shown:


Sorry about the bad info.


Scalce 11-29-2010 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by robrob (Post 25073)
After researching the issue there seems to be a final decision by the BATF that you do indeed have to mark all SBR/SBSs created using a BATF Form 1.

In this thread both the original letter from the BATF saying no markings required and a follow up letter that says it is required is shown:


Sorry about the bad info.


No worries

I just didn't want you to be hauled off in handcuffs. :grin:

thehouseproduct 11-30-2010 06:10 PM

Are there any benefits to buying a finishing reamer and cleaning up a Sinarms 300/221 and or my DTI 300 fireball chambers? I have a devil of a time making brass chamber in the Delton 300 Fireball.

sha-ul 12-05-2010 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by L1A1Rocker (Post 25005)
I'm in the same boat. I sent an email to redding asking about compatability two plus weeks ago and have not heard back. Tried to call last Friday but they were closed (and remain closed till Monday) for Thanksgiving.


Originally Posted by L1A1Rocker (Post 25069)
Just spoke to Robin at Redding. He said that their 221/300 Fireball dies ARE compatible with the new 300 BLK with one exception. The crimp ring is in the wrong location to work on the 300 BLK. As I don't crimp anyhow I don't see this as a big problem.

I wonder if the seating die can be retrofitted.
Since I will be loading for a Savage, will I need to crimp?

robrob 12-05-2010 03:01 PM

You shouldn't need to crimp for a bolt rifle. Normally it's only needed for military rounds as insurance from rough handling and full-auto firing. Your current Redding die set to not crimp (1 turn away from touching the shell holder) should be fine.

HotLead 12-06-2010 12:00 AM

Nevertheless, I hope Redding decides to produce a proper 300 BLK die set, as they are my preferred dies. I would definitely like to apply a light crimp to the ammo when loading for the AR.

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