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-   -   Should I bid on this buck 184 on ebay ??? (http://www.quarterbore.net/forums/showthread.php?t=441)

lemmich 07-05-2005 10:20 AM

Should I bid on this buck 184 on ebay ???
Hi All,
My hubby wants a 184 for the longest time but found it to expensive. I was searching the net and ran across your forum and also an item on ebay. I was wondering, is it worthwhile to bid on this item and up to how much? I think it only has a day or so left. I would really appreciate some expert input. I think it only has a day or so left and was at about 65 dollars when I looked at it this morning. I would like to surprise him.

oh, almost forgot the link:


Quarterbore 07-05-2005 11:00 AM

7 Attachment(s)
Yuk.... NO WAY would I pay that much for that knife...

That knife is best used for parts and it is too much money for that... :bangin:

Sorry, but there are much better knives around for not a whole lot more money... that thing just aughful!

Here is a handly little page I put up that I use to keep an eye on EBAY...


Quarterbore 07-05-2005 11:15 AM

If you want a good knife for not a lot of money... this is a good option:

M9Bayonet Copy

lemmich 07-05-2005 07:19 PM

Re: Should I bid on this buck 184 ?
Hi again,

Thank you for your most appreciated information. I will not bid. I now need to find out what he thinks about a reproductiion and or keep looking for a better original one.

Thanks also for the link.


Quarterbore 07-05-2005 09:57 PM

You are welcome... on my other site (Buck-184.com) you will find quite a bit of info on these knives... Prices vary but that is a really rough knife... EBAY prices are high but I am not sure I can tell you of a better place to watch for a good deal on one...

Mint knives with the box and all the extras go for big bucks... used knives sometimes are reasonable and almost always better looking then that knife!

anyways.. :welcome: to our world!

wdn 08-02-2005 08:01 PM

Are you still looking for a 184?

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