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We have Palo Verde nuclear power plant and a metric buttload of tonks swimming across the border. Your British way of thinking doesn't apply here...
Even worse, I am french!!! :D
And we have nuclear power plants over there as well, and many, many more North African, and Arabic than you could imagine (most of them are very nice as well), and that makes the task of finding terrorist even harder.
ND |
That sucks. I'd hang myself if I had to live amongst that many camel jockies.
Well, you should travel a bit in North africa and egypt, And you would discover some very nice people,fantastic food and different culture.
ND |
300 Whisper scope
I am going to buy a VX-I 4-12x40 from premier retical and have them install the RC-600 check it out
http://www.premierreticles.com/index...ge=1869&main=1 |
I plan on using the Leupold 3.5x10x40 LR M3. I filed the stop off the knob and use a 30 moa badger base. This should give me about 60-70 moa adjustment from zero. The 1moa clicks are the ticket I think.
The Whisper, for me, is the ultimate combat carbine round, so yes, I guess you could say I have a bent towards viewing the Whisper as a round whose main purpose is killing another person. Generally, we call them: "the enemy". The 6.8x43 SPC is my favorite general-purpose assault rifle round, meaning, it is a good round for killing people, too. Truth be known, the radio is generally the biggest/best killer, as artillery and/or air support is a much better method than small arms. Also, an M2 .50-cal or Mk-19 40mm are still preferable over small arms, but, if small arms are what is needed for the job or at hand, then I like the two calibers above. Since my home is in a place where I can own more than one gun, I do tend to have weapons that specialize for certain tasks. For plinking, I generally use a 22 lr. For hunting, I like the 444 Marlin for short-medium range, and a 7mm Dakota for long-range tasks. However, that doesn't mean that the 300 and 6.8 couldn't be used for hunting/plinking, and the 444, the 7mm, and certainly the 22, could be used for killing people... I just have my "silly" preferences as outlined above. |
.300 whisper scope
I use a Shepherd 6x18 V2 on my suppresed .308 sniper rifle. It has a dual reticle rang finding and bullet drop compensating system that works for both super and subsonic loads. It is set up for the supersonic loads but with a day on the range you can sight in your rifle with the sub ammo and only have to adjust for windage. Keep a log book of what range circle to use for your hold over and you can quickly switch between sub and supersonic ammo with no loss of zero. I have placed many shots at 1000+ meters with M118LR ammo and many shots with 170gr sub ammo at 400+ meters useing this scope. I plan on useing a Shepherd 3x10 P2 on my 300 whisper. You can get this scope that is calibrated for the 7.62X39 wich has identicle ballistics to the 300 whisper for supersonic loads. Check them out at www.shepherdscopes.com
Code Red, why do I get the feeling you are a really mean mother who knows his craft?
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