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pelallito 09-11-2010 05:23 PM

.223 case neck?
I have cut off some .223 cases, ran through the redding F L die with .30 cal expander. Then trimmed to final length and chamfered inside and outside of the mouth of the case.
I was going to try to outside neck turn the cases and my .30 cal pilot for my sinclair? trimmer does not slip into the case neck. Using my caliper, I am getting a .305/.306 ID measurement. The pilot is about the same. I have used both the tapered Redding expander and the regular expander without any measurrable change.I lubed the case neck with the Imperial neck lube and it did not help at all.
I am also seeing this in some .221 fireball that I converted, but I don't expect that those will have as thick neck walls.
Does someone know what the forster/rcbs inside neck reamers OD is?
I am going through these as if I were preparing cases for a BR rifle since I am making them for my first which will be a bolt action single shot.
Any suggestions and advice appreciated.
Found out that the reamer is for fired brass that has not been resized and cuts .311. That is too large for what I am doing. I will make a smaller diameter pilot/mandrel that fits this neck ID and my tool.
I need to find a reamer for the dreaded doughnut, maybe.
Any suggestions and advice appreciated.

srm109 09-12-2010 11:10 AM

I use the Forster inside neck reamer to form my 300/221's, here's the steps I go throught:

1. Cut the 223's down to approximate lenght BEFORE you form the neck. I use a sanding disk in the drill press. Use a block of wood with hole bored in it to hold the brass while you gring it down.

2. Deburr the mouth of the cut down cases.

3. Lube them and run them up into the sizing die WITH the .308 expander ball installed.

4. Use the Forster inside neck reamer installed on the case trimmer to both ream the necks and trim to proper lenght in one step.

5. Deburr them again.

6. Resize them again.

7. Load and enjoy.

Sound like a lot of trouble, but it really doesn't take too long. Sometimes shooting a wildcat requires a little piddling time.

pelallito 09-13-2010 06:00 PM

Thanks for the reply.
I am copying the HF chop saw system to trim the excess. I am going to make another wood holder so that I get a more reliable and repeateable cut. Then I am running them through the die with the expander ball in place. I have a lyman trimmer and they don't offer a reamer option for that model. I am going to have to get a forster trimmer or invent something. I was toying with the idea of trying to make a D reamer with a centering guide to take a light cut inside the neck.
When I trimming to size I am checking every second or third now that I have my trimmer dialed in.
I am still trying to get the kinks ironed out while using the .223 brass. I got spoiled when I converted some .221 fireball brass to this caliber.
I am going to make up a batch of brass to have ready before I have my rifle together.

pelallito 09-16-2010 08:30 AM

Once I found the handle for the Sinclair neck turner, it gave me the added leverage to slip the case onto the pilot/mandrel. So that is working fine.
I spoke to RCBS about their Inside Neck Reamer pilot and the told me that the stem is .153, my Lyman trimmer pilots have an .135 stem on them. I am going to order an RCBS and machine it to fit the Lyman and see how it works. It is supposed to inside neck ream and also then supports the case to trim to length.
It is a lot cheaper than going the K&M route.

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