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Crash_Test_dhimmi 09-08-2010 03:31 AM

Im new here, Ive been interested in the whisper for several years now. Im currently in Afghanistan, and planning to use some deployment cash on an SSK Upper/Suppressor when I get back home. Which means, by extension I need to get into reloading, something Ive been meaning to do for a while, since I have a 45ACP, 303 Br, and a Micro Galil in 556. Its time to make the plunge.

What I want to know, is what setups do you guys use for reloading your 300Whispers? Should I get a turret press? Progressive? Im not looking for all the bells and whistles, just something to cover the basics. (IE Affordable)

So what presses, dies, case trimmers, and thing-a-ma-jiggers does everyone use? thanks!

Hoser 09-08-2010 09:30 AM

I use a Dillon 1050 and a 550 to load ammo on. Loading ammo for an AR on a single stage press starts to suck pretty fast.

I use Redding dies.

I use a Dillon Trimmer. It makes short work of turning 300 Whisper brass out of 223/5.56 brass. I tried the cut off die and hacksaw method and also the drill press method. Waaaaaay to painful for me to ever consider doing again.

The two thing-a-ma-jiggers I use is a case gauge made from a chamber reamer and a throat gauge, also made from a chamber reamer. The case gauge lets me know if the case is sized enough to fit in my chamber. The throat gauge was made from a piece of my barrel and let me know exactly how long to seat the bullet in my bolt gun. For an AR you pretty much load to mag length and go.

snipecatcher 09-08-2010 11:42 AM

If you want to start simple, you can always use a single stage press, it will just be more time consuming. I use an RCBS electronic powder dispenser:


and it works great. I also use a Rock-chucker press. I reload for 223, 303, 270, 308, 6.5x55, and 300 whisper. Takes me about 45 mins to load 50 rounds. Sometimes I wish I had something faster, but it's not so bad. I would advise buying brass from Hoser or Kelly Kyle (both on this forum) and saving yourself some time. It will be as good as anything you could produce at home, and save you lots of time. Also, for general case trimming, a Wilson unit from Sinclair International with the shark fin adapter, micrometer, and stand works great and is very simple. Good luck.

i8asquirrel 09-08-2010 03:16 PM

first Thank you... I load on a rockchucker, I load for about 8 rifle callibers and 3 pistol callibers. you can be as simple or complicated as you wish. I started loading on a Lee dies set that you used a mallet to do everything.:smile:

pelallito 09-08-2010 07:14 PM

You have been given good advice.
Get good reloading manuals and study them carefully.
Get a good powder scale and caliper.
Start with a single stage loader and later if needed move to a progressive. You make less mistakes at one time with the single stage loader( Don't ask me how I know this to be true) :>(
Get the rest of the equipment as you see the need.
Good luck, this can be a lot of fun.

Alleycat 09-08-2010 08:36 PM

I load about 30 to 35 calibers on my rockchucker. I've been loading for 18 years on the same press. I love it. Loading is one of the only times it's quiet in my head. I guess surrounding myself with a couple hundred pounds of powder and a few thousand rounds of ammo makes the voices a little nervous. :grin:

Titleiiredneck 09-09-2010 02:49 AM

I always have used a few single stage presses, together albeit. One for deprime size and one for loading so i dont have to screw my dies in and out. I would concider a chargemaster combo and a couple rockchuckers if you can afford them since they cut the time way down.

Crash_Test_dhimmi 09-10-2010 05:28 AM

What is Auto Indexing, and why do people not like it for 300 whisper reloading?

Thanks for the information guys.

love2shoot 09-10-2010 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by Alleycat (Post 23252)
I guess surrounding myself with a couple hundred pounds of powder and a few thousand rounds of ammo makes the voices a little nervous. :grin:

OK....I am LMAO with that line..............

I have a 550 and a Rock Chucker. When I am loading a caliber, I usually have the Rock Chucker setup with the Hornady Collet puller in the same caliber to fix mistakes. I have been using a PACT digital powder scale and Dispenser and love the setup. While I did not get the Dillon Trimmer, I have a Giraud trimmer for Volume and a Redding 2400 for those calibers that are not volume or can not be done in the Giraud.

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