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-   -   Anybody Resort to a SB Die To Size 556 Brass? (http://www.quarterbore.net/forums/showthread.php?t=4038)

Scalce 08-20-2010 10:36 AM

Anybody Resort to a SB Die To Size 556 Brass?
I have been wrestling with why LC 556 brass just does not consistently fit in my case gauge or chamber as easily as other manufacturers.

The fully resized and cut down cases mic fine in the neck and shoulder but I noticed some variation in the case dimensions as it gets closer to the head.

Is it possible that I have some LC brass from someones 223/556 chamber that is slightly oversized?

Other brands of brass that weigh alot more than LC brass work just fine.

I was wondering if the higher pressures from a factory loaded LC round is to blame.

I filed off some more material from a shell holder and it does seem to let the brass chamber more easily but still not as smooth as other brands.

I am wondering if running the LC cases through a small base die before forming and cutting would help.

Anyone experience something similar?

Hoser 08-20-2010 11:40 AM

I have not had any issues with Lake City.

My resize/trim die (CH4D) is a small base die however.

Scalce 08-20-2010 12:58 PM

Thanks Hoser

I know you have said that you have never had an issue as well as all of your customers have had no chambering issues.

How much lower does a SB die actually get on the case body?

I can't remove anymore material from the shell holder or it will start to remove support.

I don't want to machine my die either so a SB die may be my only bet.

gunz213 08-21-2010 04:28 PM

I use Redding dies for my 300 and they worked great with the Model 1 barrel I have on my M-16. A few months ago I got a custom barrel for a SBR and it would not chamber any of the ammo that fit in the model 1 barrel. I thought the shoulder might need to be bumped back slightly more than the die allowed so I took about .075 off the bottom of the size die. It helped a bit, but now the case wouldn't extract from the chamber. I got fed up with the whole thing until I picked up a Redding small base body die. It made all the difference in the world. Now any brass will work in this chamber and I'll finally get to put some rounds through the barrel.

If you have trouble with LC brass, I highly recommend giving a small base die a try. And at around $30 it's not terribly expensive to try.

Scalce 08-25-2010 02:07 PM

Well I got my Midway shipment today with my RCBS 223 small base die.

I cracked open the box, degreased the die, and sized a few already processed LC cases.

Ding, ding ding

Now the LC cases drop as smooth as silk in the chamber gauge.

I guess that answers my questions and hopefully helps out some others who think their barrels don't like LC brass because of the neck thickness when it may actually be the bases giving you chambering issues.

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