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-   -   Anyone use Copper plated Berry's 150 gr. in an AR 300 Whisper? (http://www.quarterbore.net/forums/showthread.php?t=3904)

buffetdestroyer 07-14-2010 12:38 PM

Anyone use Copper plated Berry's 150 gr. in an AR 300 Whisper?
These are super cheap, and I was wondering if the flat point design hangs up in your magazines.

They are designed for the 30-30 and shouldn't exceed 1700 fps according to the website.

Herbal grinder

Colohunter 07-15-2010 11:47 PM

I loaded up a couple dummy's to cycle in my AR15. The flat point would catch on the front of the magazine every single time I tried to release the bolt. I never actually loaded any to fire.

Berry's created an account here a little while ago and was asking about interest in a subsonic bullet with a pointed bullet. They stopped writing and nothing more about it has been heard in awhile.

madscientist 07-16-2010 01:16 PM

My M1S barrel was ok w/ AA1680 but I also have cycle problems.
Pmag was OK but the bullet would hang on my feed ramp.
Haven't dremeled the feed ramps yet.

Has anyone else experimented with these? I love them for my 308 subsonics in the bolt rifle.

hovanr 07-19-2010 12:02 AM

I've been able to get them to feed using M4 ramps that I made a little wider with the dremel. I have only tried Pmags with them though. I'm trying to make it run on a 7" barrel and have been able to do so with about 15grs of 1680 and a wide open port. I think I'll be trying what mak91 did and go with a gas tube shorter than pistol length to see if I can get it to run subsonic with pistol powders. I'll post results at a later date.

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