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3006mv 03-15-2010 12:49 AM

Anyone casting their own bullets?
for SS I would think it would be a good money saving idea.

Artful 03-15-2010 02:47 AM

If your shooting them thru a suppressor, the suppressor needs to be cleanable - and you have to make sure the gas check stays on the shank.


and of course if using an AR, you want the gas blocked or you tube will fill with lead and lube. on a T/C or bolt gun not a problem.

202 grain 311299 looks to be a good choice. I'm in a group buy for 165 ranch dog which has big flat nose that should be a stunner for close range work.

aametalmaster 03-15-2010 03:02 PM

Just don't do it in the basement. I casted for about 10 years until my daughter tested pos for lead poisining. That ended my casting days...Bob

sha-ul 03-17-2010 01:40 AM


Originally Posted by aametalmaster (Post 18701)
Just don't do it in the basement. I casted for about 10 years until my daughter tested pos for lead poisining. That ended my casting days...Bob

exhaust fan?

aametalmaster 03-17-2010 12:29 PM

I had a hood and a fan plus the outside door was open. I was making lots of bullets...Bob

sha-ul 03-18-2010 01:21 AM

sorry to hear that. I know several now former radiator men that have had similar problems. I worry about sometimes too as I have to work with old lead on a regular basis.

edit for a derail, aametalmaster, are you on the metal artist forum, or Iforge Iron sites? your handle looks familiar.

aametalmaster 03-19-2010 07:03 PM

Yes i am on I forge iron, yahoo groups lots of them, Pratical Machinist, Millerwelds, almost all the metal working sites. Its in my blood too...Bob

sha-ul 03-20-2010 01:18 AM

lol IforgeIron, metalartistforum, armourarchive.org, livinghistorylibrary, armsandarmourforum, and a few more I can't remember

sha-ul 04-27-2010 03:06 PM

I have a bbl on order from Shilen now, for a Savage 110 specs stainless, 17" 1 in 8 twist varmint profile with 5/8-24 on the muzzle end.
I picked the fast twist so I could shoot even the heaviest weights, but what would be good sizes of molds to pick up?

I do have a Seaco lubri-sizer as well.

gds 04-28-2010 06:58 PM

I cast .30 caliber bullets from 120 - 200 for several .30 cals. Just got a good sub sonic load for my Savage stevens .308 using .200 gr lee. Even tried it in some water jugs and it tumble great. Waiting for a .300 whisper barrel for my AR 15 to try.

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