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AB8EAB8E 03-11-2010 01:11 AM

300Whisper in the AR-15
I am trying to find subsonic loads for the Model-1 300-Fireball kit I have Built...
I have tried a couple listed loads and they will not cycle..
I need to run the 168 and the 220 grain bullets for starters..

Does anyone have this running??? Thanks...

Fritzcat 03-11-2010 03:57 AM

Is it carbine gas port position? List the Loads you have tried. The 220gr should be no problem, but the 168gr will unless it is in pistol port position. Sierra list data for 1680, a sure deal and slow burning powder. If you have Win 296 or Lil-Gun on hand, these should work, but are faster burning and a little quieter.

AB8EAB8E 03-11-2010 09:35 AM

Sorry I guess that would make a difference wouldn't it....

The AR-15 is a 16" barrel...
Gas stock system with a JP adjustable gas block....

The laods I have wouldnt work I didnt write them down or where
they came from because they didn't work... ha ha...

dvanncvann 03-11-2010 10:17 AM

Check the gas port size. I got 1 in the shop the other day that had a .223 gas port. We had to open it up to get it to function.

AB8EAB8E 03-11-2010 10:42 PM

That may be so ...What size should the port be drilled to???
What size is standard .223???
I know the company advertises that it is a 300-Fireball which is
super-sonic, but I need it to cycle sub-sonic..
We tried hodgdon 110 but it is blowing unburned powder
into the lower and causing a dirty trigger group but it will cycle...
I just need to know what to try next..
I am about ready to give up... HELP!!!

Colohunter 03-12-2010 01:40 AM

I had difficulty using H110 in my M1S upper. It wouldn't work well with the 220gr pills and not at will with lighter bullets. I switched to AA1680 and had 100% with 220gr and about 90% cycling with 150gr bullets.

AB8EAB8E 03-12-2010 09:03 AM

Ok great!!!

Did you have to drill the gas port??

I was looking at pushing the 168 gr nosler's...
What is the load data I should try with this??
Does it burn clean>>???

Colohunter 03-12-2010 11:45 PM

The 1680 burns pretty clean, not much different than most powders. My upper is completely stock from M1S. I haven't changed gas port or anything like that.

AB8EAB8E 03-13-2010 10:46 AM

ok thanks..... I have been moving around the site reading &
and learning about my new toy. I have yet to find reload
data to try. any place on the site that will tell me exactly
what to try? thanks for the help.

dvanncvann 03-13-2010 12:45 PM

We opened the gas port up to .120. Carbine port position. If I remember correctly the original port size was .069.

AB8EAB8E 03-14-2010 08:51 PM

Ok... So I should drill mine i guess??? Is that the only way to get it to cycle???

Would someone Please list some clean burning, sub-sonic reload data for my AR-15 300whisper for me to try...

Crawdaddy 11-02-2010 11:16 PM

Finally some progress...
3 Attachment(s)
So the Whisper upper that I've had since MAY has finally been mounted on a lower and even has a scope mounted to it. (M1S, carbine gas, YHM forend, not much else special)

Loaded three different bullets over various charges of AA1680 to get some testing started. Hoping to get to the range or better yet the deer lease to do some testing. (Maybe this weekend?) Too much work and not enough play makes Crawdaddy an unhappy camper.

220 SMKs (subsonic)
220 Hornady RNSP (subsonic)
150 Nosler Ballistic Tips (AA1680 and H110 supersonic loads)
Loads based on the Sierra data sheet.

Not sure how the 220 Hornadys will feed or if I need to seat them out longer. Will fiddle with the seating depth after I test these. Displacement in the case seemed to be about the same as the SMKs when I seated to the cannelure. They do look neat in a magazine. If they feed and cycle, they might just be the ticket.

The 150 Noslers ought to do some damage and would make a nice doe round.

I also have some surplus 108gr frangibles that might be fun for plinking. I don't expect much accuracy though. Weights vary from 104.5-108.5 across around 30 of them with not more than 5 of them weighing the same. Will try to get some of those loaded over H110 or 2400 to see if they'll cycle.

Anyone have any experience with the frangibles or the Hornadys?

Pics attached...

pomofo 11-06-2010 01:50 PM

I've loaded the 220 Hornady's with AA1680, everything between 9.4 and 12.8 grains at a COAL of 2.000". According to my notes I've never had a problem with feeding, extraction, or ejection. Only tested at 25 yards with a 4MOA red dot sight so far, 10.4, 11.6, and 12.8 grain loads all put 5 bullets in one hole at that range.

ETA: This is in a 16" M1S upper, carbine length gas, unthreaded muzzle.

Crawdaddy 11-06-2010 02:36 PM

Great - that's almost identical to my setup. Can't wait to get out and get some trigger time! Will post results when I have them.

Shadow 300 11-14-2010 03:01 PM

I too have been intersted in the model 1 sales 300 fireball. I emailed them regarding gas port location, it is in the carbine position. I also asked them if they would build one with it in the pistol position but got no reply. What I am understanding from this thread though is that a couple of people have been able to make the M1S carbine relaible with 220 grain subsonic by only drilling out the gas port to a larger size. I haven't read anything that says this will mot work. Is there something I am missing?

I am also considering having something built but there is a significant cost difference that I am sure will be apparent in the quality of the two but the M1S is an attractibe low cost was to start shooting this round.

Fritzcat 11-14-2010 08:40 PM

It all depends on what you want. If you are going to use a suppresor and use as fast a powder possible to be as quiet as possible then you will need a pistol location for the gas block. And there are other tricks to get an AR to cycle with the fast powders and down to 147gr bullets for plinking.

L1A1Rocker 11-19-2010 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by Shadow 300 (Post 24761)
I too have been intersted in the model 1 sales 300 fireball. I emailed them regarding gas port location, it is in the carbine position. I also asked them if they would build one with it in the pistol position but got no reply. What I am understanding from this thread though is that a couple of people have been able to make the M1S carbine relaible with 220 grain subsonic by only drilling out the gas port to a larger size. I haven't read anything that says this will mot work. Is there something I am missing?

I am also considering having something built but there is a significant cost difference that I am sure will be apparent in the quality of the two but the M1S is an attractibe low cost was to start shooting this round.

Model 1 will put the port in the pistol location for an extra fee ($100.00 IIRC)

Crawdaddy 11-20-2010 01:20 AM

Quick update on my tests above. I had only one FTF with one of the light supersonic loads, and one of the light subsonic loads did not lock the bolt back when empty. Other than that, everything else functioned 100%. I'm tweaking loads for velocity and accuracy now. :nanabang:

All of this is with a M1S upper w/ carbine gas, unmodified. Will post more later...

3006mv 11-20-2010 12:00 PM

When you calleld M1S did you ask what size the their gas port was drilled to? Just wondering. Congrats, post more on your loads and pics too.

robrob 11-21-2010 12:38 AM

I have a standard 16" Model1Sales 300 Fireball carbine upper with the carbine position gas port. I removed the 4 rail gas block to drill out the port and block and found that they were already 1/8" (.125"). I installed an adjustable gas tube and had to trim the buffer spring a few coils to get it to cycle the Corbon 300 Whisper ammo. It has no problems cycling with 220SMKs and 10.5grs of AA1680. I have to give the M1S upper two thumbs up.

I shortened the spring because I couldn't get the buffer's cushion tip off. I removed its roll pin but could not pull the tip off to get to the weights. I could twist it with a pair of pliers but not pull it out. Any tips?


3006mv 11-21-2010 02:24 AM

Thnx robrob for that info. yeah a tip o the hat to M1S for also threading their bbls 5/8 x 24 tpi also which I believe is a standard for .308. I have read in the past they did not do this. I don't have tip on how to disassemble your buffer tube, I have never done this, maybe it is epoxied on there also? Will you need to put something in there as a spacer to fill the void of the removed weight?

dick 11-21-2010 02:52 PM

Hey ROBROB have you tried vise grips to remove the buffer pad. That works for me.

robrob 11-21-2010 03:54 PM

I'll give the Vicegrips a try on the buffer tip. I'm going to go with corncob media to fill the void created by removing the weight. Someone on this forum used it and I've got lots of it available.

L1A1Rocker 11-22-2010 01:04 AM


Originally Posted by robrob (Post 24855)
I have a standard 16" Model1Sales 300 Fireball carbine upper with the carbine position gas port. I removed the 4 rail gas block to drill out the port and block and found that they were already 1/8" (.125"). I installed an adjustable gas tube and had to trim the buffer spring a few coils to get it to cycle the Corbon 300 Whisper ammo. It has no problems cycling with 220SMKs and 10.5grs of AA1680. I have to give the M1S upper two thumbs up.

I shortened the spring because I couldn't get the buffer's cushion tip off. I removed its roll pin but could not pull the tip off to get to the weights. I could twist it with a pair of pliers but not pull it out. Any tips?


I used a small screw driver and slipped it in between the tip and buffer body. It's on there very tight but it does come off.

robrob 11-23-2010 01:40 AM

I haven't lightened the carbine buffer yet but cutting off about 3 coils from the carbine buffer spring allows reliable function with 220gr subsonics, both Hornady round nose and Sierra SMKs. It will lock the bolt open with an empty magazine every time and feeding has been perfect.

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