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Greywuuf 04-18-2005 12:31 AM

Any Updates QB ?
just curious on the state of FAL affairs. got that carbine running yet ?
Mine is easily the nust fun shooting weapon I currently own.

Quarterbore 04-18-2005 10:03 AM

No, I have to be honest I have not had time to do much other then work and saving all my crazy websites (I have about a dozen websites that I am moving because of problems with a previous host).

I do have all the parts now to build my other two FALs including the Imbel Carbine and the G1 rifle... Problem is I also have a numper of AK projects I want to get done as well.

One of these days I really need to just quite my job so I have more time for my hobbies (guns, websites, cars, etc...). Then foolish me just bought a 1980 Ford Bronco to take 4x4ing this summer so I gained yet another project... (AKA BAD HABIT). Add that to the 1967 Mustang Convertible that my wife want's restored and three kids (Ages 1, 4, 7) and you start to see why I can't get anything finished anymore!

I agree, a FAL carbine just looks like a world of fun and I am anxious to find the time as I could assemble it in about half a day if only I could find the half-day to do it!

Greywuuf 05-29-2005 03:20 AM

Heh Heh, you sound like me, Mine are 1 almost 3 and almost 8, soccer stared this week wife works I am working 10's and the house is falling down around my ears. My four by four is a '62 unimog ( old mercedes deuce and a half )
and then I got the assorted snowmobiles and motorcycles. I got counting today and I got my 358 AR project to finish ( bolt and carrier should be here tuesday ) I have 3 people wanting FN's parked and headspaced, two HK's that need trunions welded in, and then my AK ( AMD ) kit needs finished up, and I got a reamer for a .510 whiser on the way as well, so I have at least two bolt guns needing work as well! If ya get a chance to work on something let us know.. and if you need any advice on the FN's I been through a number of them and will certainly help out anyway I can.

Oh and I got to shoot a buddies Beowulf ( .50 cal AR ) a while ago and I can see some subsonics in its future as well ! ( the fastones just hurt to dang bad !)

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