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Mike-Sid 01-24-2010 01:30 PM

338 Spectre seating questions
I've finally loaded my 1st 15 rounds of .338 Spectre. I'll be testing them next weekend in my AR15.
first here is my recipe: 250 gr Hornady RN, 14.5grs Reloader 7, WLP primers, and Starline 10mm mag brass.
This is leading to my question. I got my dies from http://www.ch4d.com/ Because of the length of the bullet, I had to back out the seating die, and the seater stem way out. In this fashion, the seating die provides no crimp. The bullet is held in by case neck tension, which seems more than sufficient.
Do I have the die adjusted correct? Is the die supposed to crimp? Should I get the seater stem machined way down to make it shorter allowing the die's shoulder to contact the cases shoulder, providing a crimp, if it even would?

Spook 01-24-2010 02:28 PM

Mike, CH4D does that more often than not...call them up and tell them to send you the correct plug/stem for a short cartridge. They did the same thing to me on 338BR and 338X 39 dies I have recently purchased from them.

Can you post some more recipes for 338 Spectre? :smile:

Mike-Sid 01-24-2010 04:12 PM

1 Attachment(s)
The only loads I have are from Marty....I'll try to post them I can't post it. It is an excell spread sheet. I'll email it to someone that knows how to post it

Spook 01-24-2010 05:38 PM

thanks Mike!

Mike-Sid 01-25-2010 09:24 PM

I called CH4D, and a very friendly guy is going to send the correct seater for my bullet lenght.

Spook 01-25-2010 11:47 PM

You very likely got ahold of Dave, the owner. Other than He and Beth, there arent a lot of people that answer the phone there that have much in the way of a brain.... as you can tell from your seater experience....:smile:

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