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-   -   Favorite Bullet for 300 Whisper Subsonic Deer hunting (http://www.quarterbore.net/forums/showthread.php?t=3357)

A62Rambler 01-15-2010 12:06 AM

Favorite Bullet for 300 Whisper Subsonic Deer hunting
Someone asked for a new poll and I for one am tired of seeing my old poll. :eek: So here goes. What is your favorite 300 Whisper bullet for subsonic deer hunting? Please post a reply with approximate size of deer, shot location, performance results and pictures if you have them. I tried to list all the bullets that were heavier and boat tailed. I didn't list FMJ because those are illegal for hunting in most states. Please feel free to mention other bullets but 10 is the max number of poll categories so I ran out.

HUNTER2 01-15-2010 06:04 AM

It has been the Speer 180 btsp backwards. Will be testing some new Diamondback bonded core bullets, and the new Lehigh subsonic control fracture next week...Along with Berry, we just might get something moving here with expansion!

Rikky Lee 01-15-2010 06:45 AM

That was me - well done for creating the poll.

I'm quite impressed by the 240 grain SMK (and have posted elsewhere on it) but am eager to hear more experiences.

Spook 01-15-2010 09:53 AM

Hornady 220 Round nose.

Fritzcat 01-15-2010 12:26 PM

I like the Horn 220 RN for deer and hogs.

A62Rambler 01-15-2010 08:17 PM

Dang. I started to put the hornady 220gr on the list but decided that since it wasn't boat tail that it probably wasn't used. Oh well too late to change it.

A62Rambler 01-15-2010 08:19 PM

Give me a list of the bullets you want included and I'll make a new poll with the Hornady 220gr listed of course.

Rikky Lee 01-15-2010 08:34 PM

The 220, 240 SMK and the 200 Lapua subsonic (if you haven't tried it you should). The 220 RN.

I have used the 180 grain plastic tips and they open up at low velocity.

gary0529 01-17-2010 01:15 PM

Anyone out there try the Lehigh 150 gr. 308 Subsonic on deer.
Appears to be very devastating on gallon jugs and phone books but would love to hear or see reports on deer.
I have loaded up a few with 8.0 gr. Lil Gun and will try out as soon as I get the chance- our anterlerless season goes until end of March, that should offer me an opportunity to give it a real world try.


Garrett 01-17-2010 11:58 PM

You needed to include an "other" category.

I haven't had a chance to try these out yet, so I can't say anything for sure yet. But if these expand as they are supposed to (and looking at them, I have no reason to expect they won't) they should be great. They are a 225 gr. expanding hollow point, shown next to a 220 gr. SMK for comparison.

These came from Outlaw State Bullets in Missouri.


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