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justshoot 12-30-2009 10:20 PM

ViHtv. N-320
Anybody played with or worked a recipe up with ViHtv. N-320 for Bolt-Action ?
I been using A# 9 forever but I been hearing talk about N-320 being used for 30-221 with Primo result. n-320 is used alot for .40 SW & heavy 147's in 9mm but personally I have not tried it yet.
I was told by someone that claims to be using it & they claim/say's, it is great with accuracy. Claims also that it is quieter in the Can department as it is a real quick burner in the Tube. also extremely clean .
Any info out there ?
edit to Add:
was told also that the use of Dacron wad in the Brass also.

justshoot 02-09-2010 01:12 AM

hey just an update on the vihtiv. N-320 use.
it is working great and with supcan also. . The stuff is a fast burner and some respect needs to be kept as it is pretty hot on the burn-chart. I was pretty leery of using it when it was recommended too me @ 1st, as I have enough years under my belt handloading to 'Know' the stuff is ' Fast '.
But I Been load working and shooting as normal & usual with my bolt 30-221 and all is good. it's great powder.
Also 1 Big plus+ as even though you use less on the load for subsonic Vel. it fills the case capacity better than like my normal powder I use, A#9 . with it's shape & size.
It has to be giving a much faster and complete burn using way less barrel length than other powders I use but still gives great results down the range from 50 to 200 yrd.
Adding: this. It is fast Powder and I saw fast results in Vel. Gain with small bump-ups past the 5.5 grn mark. Also saw some ' little'-fluff/burn just barely sneaking up and over the case mouth on the expansion and contraction of the fired Brass on inspection.
I Definitely Would NOT want to ever throw a Double-Load on accident or get to carried-away with the powder & I think it is a general rule that & ' not advised' to use this fast a burn-rate for 30-221/Whisper. But So Far, I LIKE IT.
also edit to add:
Not intended for AR semi and gas cycle is obviously a NoGo. But I think that the Bolt guys will be way happy for sure.

amafrank 02-09-2010 02:25 PM

we prefer using the N110 which has similar load data and characteristics to the H110 that is frequently used. The good part is that it is much much cleaner and seems to have none of the temp sensitivity that the hodgdon powder does. It is also not possible to double charge as the standard load will fill the case to a very noticable point and double charging will overflow the case mouth. We have tried loads up to about 18gr with lighter bullets and it works ok for that but there are other powders more suited to supersonic shooting. As for cycling of semi's the N110 seems to work fine in that regard as well. The standard subsonic load will cycle the Model 1 upper with the 220gr SMK.

hope that helps

justshoot 02-09-2010 04:54 PM

thanks for the info on the N-110
Really not that interested in shooting AR platform for the 30-221 so the abundance of gas necessary to cycle the platform is not that important to me.
Trying to get fast and more efficient clean burn. For me with the 30-221 Suppressed Bolt shooting. I am more interested in Less Gas and it seems to make the shooting more quieter with the SupCan on. With less gas let-off/pressure The noise level seems to be even more Quiet. being there is less gas expansion running out the barrel with the faster powder doing a complete burn more efficiently with the Vihtiv. n-130.
Once you get Your accuracy and load data down for what your shooting with a suppressed Bolt and it gets to your satisfaction. The only thing left to do is to make it more quiet with not sacrificing them. So that is reason I am seeking info here on faster powders like Viht. N-320

Garrett 02-09-2010 07:33 PM

I've used N320 quite a bit in .40 and somewhat in 9mm. I had gone to N330 in 9mm to get a little more velocity.

N320 is a fairly fast pistol powder. According to Hodgdon, it is very similar to AA#2. SSK has published info that #2 is not appropriate for a gas operated gun in .300 Whisper. However, in a manually-operated gun, it should be just fine.

In my limited testing, AA#2 did seem quieter than loads with similar velocities using a slower powder like AA#9 or H110. This makes sense, as the faster powders will produce less gas volume for the silencer to have to contain.

N310toN170 02-09-2010 09:59 PM

Faster burning for bolt guns
I've gone as fast as RedDot for the bolts as the pressure spikes don't play well with the AR's. It seemed to work very well and is a recommended load by Alliant for the heavier .45's. The burn is very complete fairly immediately and the powder itself very voluminous. The caution is loading accuracy because of the volatility...a little bit goes a long ways.

justshoot 02-09-2010 10:52 PM

Ya you can hear the difference in gas-letoff out the Can on the bolt-gun for sure. It is quieter with the fast burner n-320 shot side-by-side with the A#9 & suppressor.
I got to admit, I am pretty wary of playing with even faster burner's. I know enough to know, " volatility " .
Clean is on the money too. You see it in the empty cases too. Hot, Fast & clean on the burn. The guy who talked me into using the n-320 uses it for the heavy 147's in 9mm semi-auto 'pistol' platform with suppressor. He swears by it.
edit to add:
Load example for reference . using 180 grn bullet weight out a, 16" barrel - 8 twist 5r cut. with an even 6.0 grns n-320 was average 940 fps vel.

Expatriot 02-14-2010 03:33 AM

I have used the following N320 loads in a 300 Whisper:

150gr jacketed bullet - 5.1gr = 975 fps

170gr cast lead bullet - 4.5gr = 955 fps

justshoot 02-15-2010 06:59 PM

I have not done a work-up on the heavies (220-240) grn. but I am doing (180 grn sierra) . N-320 6.2 grn. @ 1070 fps Vel. ,
I will be doing 220-240 grn pretty soon with 320 as my pre-loaded rounds get used-up that are done with A-#9 . Damn heavies are just getting way spendy-$$ for just plinking fun shooting, but really looking forward to dropping the #9 all together from my boltaction handloads.
for me 320 is less gas but it also gives a tighter Vel. ave. on the fps with the Chrony. readings than the #9 .

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