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Just Call Me...G 11-28-2009 11:20 AM

Hornady Reloading Manual...
Does anyone have the Hornady Reloading Manual section for the .300 Whisper on pdf?

I can't find a copy locally, I already have the Lee & Lyman Reloading Manuals and before I drop $40 just want to see what info is listed.

Many Thanks In Advance,


HUNTER2 11-28-2009 11:21 PM

Don't buy one!!! Don't know what Hornady was thinking. There is not a sub load in it!

320pf 11-29-2009 10:58 AM

Hornady manual
I have a pdf file of the Hornady data. Hunter2 is correct, there are no subsonic reloading data in the Hornaday manual. I also have a pdf file of the 300-221 fireball (300 Whisper) data from Sierra reloading manual. There are notsubsonic reloading data in the Sierra manual either.

Accurate Arms has several subsonic loads listed. I have the pdf file for the Accurate Arm data.

If you are interested in getting a copy of these let me know.

What data are listed in the Lee & Lyman Reloading Manuals?


Just Call Me...G 11-29-2009 02:46 PM

Hi Hunter2 & 320pf...

Regrettably there is no info listed on the manuals I already have.

320pf, thanks to your postings on here and on "reloadersnest" I have been fortunate enough to start my work-up loads. Thanks!

I have a copy on pdf of the Sierra Manual...cannot attach as it is TOO big for the forum's capacity but it does have sub-sonic info listed.

I am just rounding out gathering whatever data there is on my new favorite cartridge. I spent another day in the desert getting about 400 rounds downrange...I could not be HAPPIER with the results! :grin:

I took a bunch of my loads to chrony and dial in at 100yards and am refining them as we speak.

320pf, you can e-mail me directly with the Hornady info (and the AA data, as well)...like I said I'm just gathering info.

I have a file on my pc just for .300 Whisper-related info...it's my "go-to" file in case I have a brainfart and need to see it in writing.

Besides I am also developing supersonic loads...want to whack a coyote and possibly take game with my .300Wh.

My e-mail addy is:


Many Thanks & Take Good Care


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