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-   -   Loaded ammo pics........ (http://www.quarterbore.net/forums/showthread.php?t=3028)

strycnine 11-05-2009 08:45 PM

Loaded ammo pics........
Anybody got pics of their loaded subsonic ammo? If so, can you post a few?:o

Alleycat 11-05-2009 09:29 PM


strycnine 11-06-2009 07:35 AM


Originally Posted by Alleycat (Post 16166)

Thanks for posting the pics:smile:

What grain are the .300's?

Just Call Me...G 11-06-2009 03:12 PM

2 Attachment(s)

Long time lurker, first-time poster and fan of the .300 Whisper
Am coming to the final stages of my personal project.

Pics submitted are of the loads that I am currently evaluating for velocity & function in my .300 Whisper AR (formerly an ArmaLite M-15 20" flat-top). I purchased a 16" barrel from JT Distributing/DoubleStar and had a local AR smith do the work, added an MGI adjustable gas tube and a few other items to make it more functional to my needs. Also posting pic of rifle :-)

I did break the cherry on it with my initial loads of Nosler 125gr. Ballistic Tips and so far am very happy with accuracy and function.


125gr. Nosler Ballistic Tip - Supersonic
RCBS 130gr. cast Spire Point - Supersonic
Speer 130gr. Soft Point - Supersonic
Lee 155gr. cast Spire Point - Supersonic
Remington 150gr. Soft Point - Supersonic
Pull-Down Mil-Surp 150gr. FMJBT - Supersonic

Sierra Match King 190gr. HPBT - Subsonic
Hornady 190gr. Soft Point - Subsonic
(I am loading these with 14.0gr of Reloder 7 & will chrony/eval this weekend)
Eventually will be purchasing a suppressor for this rifle.

Keep The High Ground,


strycnine 11-06-2009 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by Just Call Me...G (Post 16186)

Long time lurker, first-time poster and fan of the .300 Whisper
Am coming to the final stages of my personal project.

Pics submitted are of the loads that I am currently evaluating for velocity & function in my .300 Whisper AR (formerly an ArmaLite M-15 20" flat-top). I purchased a 16" barrel from JT Distributing/DoubleStar and had a local AR smith do the work, added an MGI adjustable gas tube and a few other items to make it more functional to my needs. Also posting pic of rifle :-)

I did break the cherry on it with my initial loads of Nosler 125gr. Ballistic Tips and so far am very happy with accuracy and function.


125gr. Nosler Ballistic Tip - Supersonic
RCBS 130gr. cast Spire Point - Supersonic
Speer 130gr. Soft Point - Supersonic
Lee 155gr. cast Spire Point - Supersonic
Remington 150gr. Soft Point - Supersonic
Pull-Down Mil-Surp 150gr. FMJBT - Supersonic

Sierra Match King 190gr. HPBT - Subsonic
Hornady 190gr. Soft Point - Subsonic
(I am loading these with 14.0gr of Reloder 7 & will chrony/eval this weekend)
Eventually will be purchasing a suppressor for this rifle.

Keep The High Ground,


Looks like you've been busy! Nice setup.........:grin:

Just Call Me...G 11-06-2009 07:01 PM

Yes I have...this project has been about 4 years in the making.

A friend of mine e-mailed me feistyrooster's .300 FireBall page one day and I sorta got hooked.


Don't get me wrong I love my ARs in 5.56, but deep down inside I will always be a .30 cal kinda guy. I was raised on .30 caliber firearms and fondly remember taking my first deer with my father's old Winchester 94 in .30-30 as well as hunting for Louisiana wild pigs with his Remington Woodsmaster in .30-'06.

This was the perfect set up for me, a .30 cal AR with punch in supersonic (out here in NV I want to use it for coyotes), as well as heavy grain bullets for subsonic use. The fact that it just required me to re-barrel one of my ARs and I could use existing AR mags/accessories and I have plenty of .30 cal rifles that I am already loading for just made it that much more fun.

I did a ton of research and then went about gathering all the goodies I would need. In particular I was very fortunate to have acquired a 5 gallon bucket full of once-fired 5.56/.223 brass. I'm glad because I am a prolific reloader and did not want to dip into my 5.56 brass for this project.

Plus during that time I also started casting my own bullets...again I happened to have been fortunate enough to inherit almost 500lbs of wheelweights. I am really looking forward to shooting my own homemade projectiles through my own reloaded ammo.

This forum in particular has provided a wealth of information and there are some really knowledgeable people on here, I am grateful to all of the members here.

It's been a long road and I have had a great time doing the build on my AR and turning all of that 5.56 brass into .300 Whisper brass (2200 rounds!).
I am definitely looking forward to making all of that brass into ammo. :grin:

Within the next few weeks all of the research will be done and I plan on using the rifle for coyote shooting, hunting and an all-around fun gun. In the future, I'd really like to take deer and hog with the .300 Whisper :smile:


Alleycat 11-06-2009 07:27 PM

225 Outlaw ----250 Hawk------240 SMK All Sub

Just Call Me...G 11-08-2009 01:43 AM

Thanks, strycnine...it's been a LONG road and this forum has been a great help in the process.

My weekend is getting a little haywire so it looks like I will be out in the desert checking my loads and function NEXT weekend!...:fal:

Keep The High Ground,


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