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d-mon 10-14-2009 01:56 AM

Hello Bitofshush,

Are you based in Nz?
I am in Hamilton myself.
Your project seems to go well , even if it takes a bit of time.

I have a 300 whisper based on a cz action.
I love it.
I am working on a 458socom project, it takes some time as well(more than a year now).

Let me now if you want some receipes to try in your martiny.
The 180 gr hornady round nose should do quite well in your barrel,( if you have a bit of rifling left).

Good luck.


Archangel 12-23-2009 02:06 AM

I actually joined this site due to your Martini 30/221 MAX.....
I built one 7 years ago on a Martini, it has a 25 inch barrel and measures dead on 30.5 inches OAL....
I use Gary Little 240gr flat base soft points on top off 10 grains of WIN 296....
Sometimes extraction is a little sticky...
I have a 50 Alaskin with a BMG throat with a 1-8 twist in exactly the same set up...
I will post a picture if your interested....in my little bullpup....

Archangel 12-30-2009 05:40 AM


Seddo 01-10-2010 10:55 PM

Great to see the project is going again. I am doing something simular as well.

Seddo 03-04-2010 11:43 PM

Well my project is getting closer too. The MAB barrel arrived last week so i now have everything except the extractor. I will start pulling my 222R martini apart over the next few weeks and get started on the rest.

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