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lee cousens 02-24-2009 12:50 PM

Ebay Ban On Knives!
Just read on ebay, as from march 10th the sale of all knives will be banned!!!!
I belive this is just ebay, in the UK and possibly Europe, but how long before the US?
All this is down to a tiny minority of sub human people hell bent on causing trouble, too much coverage in the papers, and the nanny state, how will this ban make any difference, firearms are banned but there are just as many people being shot!
How much longer before the ownership of bayonets will be banned?:mad:
Well this has really made my day.

porterkids 02-24-2009 02:53 PM

Looks like it's time for someone in the US to set up a system to bid for UKers and process their orders.

Carlo 02-24-2009 04:37 PM

I searched the web for more information, and so far the "ban" is for Ebay UK and Ireland, only.
While this is a sad news (I can understand Lee's feelings, as he also sells bayonets on ebay) I don't think ebay will ever ban bayonet/knive sales on the US website, ebay.com.
Should this happens, this will be "the end" for many collectors in Europe, including me.
Since I started collecting M9s, back in 2003, I think that almost 95% of my purchases came from ebay, as here there are no gun shows or other meetings for collectors.

Old-Smithy 02-24-2009 07:52 PM

This ban is a political news grabber to show that a unpopular government is doing its best to save people getting hurt. With out any regard for statistics on crime they are laying down all knife crime to nasty horrible illegal knives bought off of EBAY - which are illegal anyway and anyone caught with one should be arrested and fined - easier to treat the "tool" rather than the cause. In years gone by in times of serious recession and national problems they went to war to take peoples mind of it, but we are already and so this farcical attempt to prevent crimes more often carried out with kitchen and utility knives.

lee cousens 02-25-2009 11:47 AM

Well i think its the end for me, whats the point in collecting if i can never buy from the rest of the world?, my father and i have been collecting for well over 30 years , even he is contemplating selling his entire collection:eek:
I really wish i could emigrate to a more sensible country!
Ebay have always been quite happy to take my money before, i just hope they see sence:mad:

relentlessknives.com 04-19-2009 02:24 PM

Interesting....and on the forum from the UK.... British Blades, they prohibit the word Combat and knife from being written together.
Further several years ago a news paper or service from Scotland named the Scotsman started a war on knives, and published an anti knife article every day or there abouts.
All about knives used in crime.

Now the British want to de claw every cat in the country, and dull the beaks of every bird.

Dogs are to have their teeth pulled and bees are not to have stingers.

Sorry, but we are on our way to a world of toothless wonder.....and there is a museum in Cambodia and the Hmong people are hunted like animals in Lao's

Oh Well....I'm sure that will never happen in my space.....LOL

Mister Moon 04-19-2009 04:46 PM

Yea .... It's terrible for the futur !
Come with me Dan ! on MOON !:grin:

Greg V 06-01-2009 08:49 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I guess this was my last purchase from a fine UK seller! Very Sad!

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