hugginsvilleH&A |
11-09-2008 11:30 AM |
I was in a tree about 25-30' up and hit him basically on the upper area/slightly forward of the left shoulder going down and across and angling back, not quite a broadside but not a quartering in shot either. the bullet looked like it did a good tumble inside and exited the lower opposite side , the lungs were were tore up pretty good , he expired rather quickly , waited about 30 minutes before I came down and found a very good blood trail ,followed about 90 yrds and there he laid. I mostly bow hunt and this was a good quick clean kill, comparable to bow hunting and I did not blow his shoulders off doing it ,I have a remington .280 for those shots, but I was hunting a very very thick swamp bottom that a stand of oak trees bearing real good right now . Most of the shots offered in that situation is usually 10-40 yrds tops but this place I set up on had one looksie down a small fire break that offered about a 90 yrd shot and that is where he stepped out, for the most part a perfect bow hunting or a 30-30 type gun situation - which is why I went with the whisper. I know the controversy of people thinking it is not powerful enough to kill but I felt very confident in my ability to place a shot at that range, many a people have been killed with FMJ rounds especially when they tumble, which I beleive is what makes the whisper a devastating SHORT range option, it hits like the hammer of thor, I had been really working it out the previous two days before I went hunting with it and was shocked at how hard that thing hits compared to the low report it has. I was really looking for does during this hunt ( they seem to me to be better eating) but when this guy stepped out I was like O'manO'man, I knew he was good one but did not really realize just how big he was till I came down and found him, dressed out he was alittle over 200lbs which is a big deer in georgia the best deer I have ever taken.:smile: