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hugginsvilleH&A 11-08-2008 10:27 PM

300 whisper brought dinner home friday morning

took with 220SMK over 1680 running at about 1050fps, shot at about 90 yds , ran about the same and piled up

before the comments come my BIL freinds was having big fun planting obamanation signs in each others yards, I dont think anybody is laughing to much now

Spook 11-08-2008 11:31 PM

Very nice !

JFettig 11-09-2008 12:49 AM

Nice deer... but theres something behind you that is really disturbing.


hugginsvilleH&A 11-09-2008 07:49 AM

yeah thats why I put the explanation in there, those signs are very rare indeed down there, so my B-I-L freinds had found one and had been going around putting it in each others yards and waiting for the phone calls to begin, man it was stirring them up something good and was all funny then , but now after what happened on tuesday nobody is laughing anymore:mad:

320pf 11-09-2008 10:00 AM

Tell us more about where you hit him... was he facing you, quartering toward/away?? Did the bullet go clean through?


hugginsvilleH&A 11-09-2008 11:30 AM

I was in a tree about 25-30' up and hit him basically on the upper area/slightly forward of the left shoulder going down and across and angling back, not quite a broadside but not a quartering in shot either. the bullet looked like it did a good tumble inside and exited the lower opposite side , the lungs were were tore up pretty good , he expired rather quickly , waited about 30 minutes before I came down and found a very good blood trail ,followed about 90 yrds and there he laid. I mostly bow hunt and this was a good quick clean kill, comparable to bow hunting and I did not blow his shoulders off doing it ,I have a remington .280 for those shots, but I was hunting a very very thick swamp bottom that a stand of oak trees bearing real good right now . Most of the shots offered in that situation is usually 10-40 yrds tops but this place I set up on had one looksie down a small fire break that offered about a 90 yrd shot and that is where he stepped out, for the most part a perfect bow hunting or a 30-30 type gun situation - which is why I went with the whisper. I know the controversy of people thinking it is not powerful enough to kill but I felt very confident in my ability to place a shot at that range, many a people have been killed with FMJ rounds especially when they tumble, which I beleive is what makes the whisper a devastating SHORT range option, it hits like the hammer of thor, I had been really working it out the previous two days before I went hunting with it and was shocked at how hard that thing hits compared to the low report it has. I was really looking for does during this hunt ( they seem to me to be better eating) but when this guy stepped out I was like O'manO'man, I knew he was good one but did not really realize just how big he was till I came down and found him, dressed out he was alittle over 200lbs which is a big deer in georgia the best deer I have ever taken.:smile:

Scoots 11-09-2008 01:54 PM


Titleiiredneck 11-09-2008 08:56 PM



congrats :nanabang:

hugginsvilleH&A 11-10-2008 10:19 PM

that aint right

Titleiiredneck 11-10-2008 11:10 PM

I hope you like it, it took 20 min to make. Congrats again man!

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