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Seabreeze133 08-23-2008 09:27 PM

Rock River Arms
Anyone have experience with their 308's? Have a shooting buddy w/a compact 1911 that is great, but no knowledge of the long guns.


livinintheshadows123 08-26-2008 12:00 AM

I have a Rock River 223 varmint. Shoots 3/4" < with what ever you can get in it. I ordered a RR lower Jan.14th, finally got it Aug. 16th. They are somewhat back ordered. Must be some indication of their quality and success. But they have become quite arrogant. They do not answer phone or e-mail. I'm sure how I feel about their products but their customer service sucks. Not good for future business.:confused:

One Shot 08-27-2008 12:58 PM

I've got the same .223 with the same results. I asked my dealer about the 308's, and he said he had no idea when they would start making them again.Didn't sound too promising on getting one.

gunenthusiast 10-15-2008 10:30 AM

Response I got from RRA
I also am interested in a RRA LAR-08 and also did not get any real timeframe from my dealer as to estimated lead times; so I decided to call RRA directly and hear from the horse's mouth what the situation was and here is what they told (wrote) me:

"We are currently filling backorders from late 2007, early 2008 on the .308 Mid A4 Rifle. We have not started production on the Varmint or Standard A2/A4 yet and do not have a projected date at this time. Thank you for your inquiry. Please check out www.rockriverarms.com for status updates.

Thank You,
Rock River Arms Inc
1042 Cleveland Road
Colona, IL 61241
Phone: 309-792-5780
Fax: 309-792-5781
Toll Free: 866-980-ROCK (7625)

There you have it, directly from the horse's mouth.

Hope this was helpful.


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