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Scoots 08-17-2008 08:30 PM

Quiet load recommendations
I've been shooting 220gr rounds with H110 in 9.1 and 8.9 grains. I have a Yankee Phantom suppressor on my AR with adjustable gas port(http://www.yhm.net/store/phantom762.html), but I am no where near to being quiet enough that I can shoot without hearing protection.

What are your "quiet load" recommendations?


Pitt300 08-17-2008 10:18 PM

You should be under 130db & that's ear safe.
W/762sd I'm in the low 120s.
You're not getting any sonic crack are you?

ranger dave 08-17-2008 10:22 PM

whisper load
try 8g of 2400 with a 147g to 150g bullet

dksd39 08-18-2008 05:03 AM

I use 8.0gr of LilGun for my 220's thru an SWR can and they are very quiet.

Scoots 08-18-2008 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by Pitt300
You should be under 130db & that's ear safe.
W/762sd I'm in the low 120s.
You're not getting any sonic crack are you?

No, I'm not getting a sonic crack, and I'm less than 100' above sea level. My shots aren't quite as loud as a high velocity .22lr, more like the report of a .22 short, but I would still like to reduce that sound level.

I chose the Yankee Phantom supressor because it was very highly recommended. Without having to spend $$$$ on suppressor experimentation, I thought I'd experiment with different loads and get the opinions of the fellows on this forum.

Thanks to everyone for their recommendation - keep them coming!!!

What are those fellows on YouTube using??? :wink:


Pitt300 08-18-2008 12:10 PM

I'm running mine on John Titsworth's video about 2/3 thru it:


It was 136.2 frp & then 132 w suppressor & supersonic loads &
120.6 to 124 w/subsonics

Artful 08-19-2008 02:51 AM


Originally Posted by Pitt300
I'm running mine on John Titsworth's video about 2/3 thru it:


It was 136.2 frp & then 132 w suppressor & supersonic loads &
120.6 to 124 w/subsonics

about 8 min in of 9:02 total - that still sounds darn good.

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