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Mister Moon 08-13-2008 05:32 PM

M9 " No-Markings " Lan-Cay
3 Attachment(s)
Today , i received this M9 in front of my door ... ... I suspect Santa Claus :rolleyes:

... The question is to know how much ! How much of M9 Lan-Cay with No Markings are in traffic ... rare or not rare :cool: ... that is the question :grin:


Quarterbore 08-13-2008 09:51 PM

Great knife, I wonder how many they let escape without any markings?


Mister Moon 08-13-2008 10:03 PM

:grin: .... Thanx Ken .

:rolleyes: It's doubtless préfèrable not to know ! ....:grin:

rexmeyer 08-14-2008 07:49 PM

I have one of these too.. Bought it from another member here on quarterbore, Pancanal who had a few Lan-Cays you wouldn't normally find.

Mister Moon 08-14-2008 11:56 PM

Yea .. i remember i beleive some month ago you and me we had talk about that's M9 No-Markings (i beleive) ... Rexy' , can u send some others photos of your " No-Markings " ?

Thanx friend.

vzlion 10-08-2009 08:22 PM

Unmarked Lan-Cay
I'm new to M-9s. I only have three so far, an Ontario and two Lan-Cays. So tell me how can you tell it's a Lan-Cay if it's unmarked? My son has and unmarked M-9, and I figured it was probably a chines made copy. I had no idea there were any US made unmarked M-9s. Thanks, Walt

Mister Moon 10-08-2009 08:39 PM

Hi Walt, i can't reply with any photos .. That i know, it's only for my bayo, this model come directly from the U.S factory ... ( but not by the main entrance :rolleyes: ) ..... About the chinese M9 without markings :cool: I did not see it on ebay.

A picture is worth a thousand words.

pwcosol 10-11-2009 06:57 PM

I believe the Lancay M9 you refer to is what collectors call a "lunch-box" item. The term has been applied to pistols, etc. that factory workers craftily assemble from loose, slightly off standard, excess, etc. components & sneak out in their lunch boxes. Note the scabbard does not look like it ever had a stone applied. Basically a parts bayonet...

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