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GaryM 08-09-2008 04:08 PM

Bullet weight for hunting
Allrighty folks, I want to use my .300 fireball for deer this year and I would like to know what a good bullet weight would be. I see a lot of folk here using 125gr bullets. Is that weight in the prefered range? How would 150 or 165gr bullets do? I know it is dependent of the exact bullet but what range should I be looking at?
FYI, I have a M1S 16" 1/9 barrel and of course I am looking at supersonic loadings.
I have not been happy with my current results using 150gr bullets.

320pf 08-09-2008 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by GaryM
Allrighty folks, I want to use my .300 fireball for deer this year and I would like to know what a good bullet weight would be. I see a lot of folk here using 125gr bullets. Is that weight in the prefered range? How would 150 or 165gr bullets do? I know it is dependent of the exact bullet but what range should I be looking at?
FYI, I have a M1S 16" 1/9 barrel and of course I am looking at supersonic loadings.
I have not been happy with my current results using 150gr bullets.


This question often comes up on this board. I went over the past posts and put together the links for you.

In summary, if you do your part and put the bullet in the right spot any .308 cal. bullet that the 300-221 Fireball/300 Whisper shoots will do the job.

Here are the links:


Sierra 135:






Good Luck and Enjoy


320pf 08-10-2008 09:47 AM

I missed this one. It was right in front of me!



Pitt300 08-10-2008 05:52 PM

Also simply look on the right side of this Forum Page.
On mine is:

Current Poll
What's your favorite supersonic bullet in 300-221 for Deer hunting?
110g Hornady V-Max - 12.50%

125g Barnes Triple Shock X - 0%

125g Nosler Ballistic Tip - 37.50%

125g Sierra Pro Hunter - 12.50%

125g Speer TNT - 12.50%

Other: please list in your response - 25.00%

Total Votes: 16
You have already voted on this poll.

GaryM 08-12-2008 09:59 PM

So it looks like the 125gr range is the prefered weight.
I guess that is what is throwing me off. I am used to calibers/twists that are best in a limited range such as .223 1/9 twist and 65-69gr or 223 1/12 twist with 45-50gr (Just examples, not neccessarily 100% accurate). The idea of different weights for different velocities is new to me.
I guess I need to drop by the reloading supply places and look for me some new bullets!
Thanks again!

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