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cubflyer75 07-30-2008 09:27 AM

gouged brass on M1 Sales upper
I'm having a problem with the feed ramps gouging the shoulder of my brass when feeding from the magazine. This is more pronounced with a 200gr cast bullet. Has anyone else had this problem? Should I just radius the edge of the feed ramps slightly? thanks, Mike

Pitt300 07-30-2008 12:22 PM

What mags are you using?
I had some scratching from some surplus GI METAL mags.
You can file the top front lip on the metal mags to use w/your "heavy" 300W loads.
I put red tape around the mags that I've modified for use w/208/220/240g loads due to location of ogive in the mag.
However, since I switched to MagPuls-NO issues.

Flewis 07-30-2008 02:09 PM

I'm using PMags with my M1S upper and having the same trouble.

I can post some pics of the brass tonight.

Flewis 07-30-2008 02:18 PM

Also, I didn't have the problem using GI mags and once-fired brass. Well, I should say I didn't notice it but I think I would have. I'll check.

However, when I switched to new Winchester brass and PMags I noticed the gouges.

Pitt300 07-30-2008 03:22 PM

Got me?
I radiused my GI mags & it stopped.
Wonder if your softer cast bullets are not "feeding" up the ramp as smoothly?
Do you have same gouging problem when you do loads w/220-240g SMKs?

Flewis 07-30-2008 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by Pitt300
Got me?
I radiused my GI mags & it stopped.
Wonder if your softer cast bullets are not "feeding" up the ramp as smoothly?
Do you have same gouging problem when you do loads w/220-240g SMKs?

My has had only 220 SMKs run through it.

cubflyer75 07-30-2008 11:54 PM

I'm using PMags. My cast bullet is http://www.midwayusa.com/eproductpag...eitemid=318153

It's pointed, but the nose is fatter. I can seat it out far enough to touch the lands and still fit in the mag, however, this is when the feed ramp takes a HUGE chunk off the shoulder of the case. Seated further in, shoulder is fine.

With M80 ball, 150gr pulled tracer, 240 SMK's, and these cast bullets, seating various lengths, I get a nick in the neck right at the mouth of the brass.

Can I just radius all sharp edges on the feed ramps without adversely affecting feeding? Just so they're no longer sharp? Forming this brass takes too long to have it damaged like this. :frown:

I try to post some pictures tomorrow some time... thanks, Mike

Flewis 07-31-2008 10:21 AM

Ok, the brass that I used with my GI mags was untouched. Here is a pic from some of the brass that was used with the PMags. This was new Winchester brass and the brass used with the GI mags was once fired Remington, but I don't know why that would make any difference.

Also, the PMag rounds were 2.170 COAL while the GI mag brass was 2.160. That might very well be the difference.

Is having a gunsmith smooth out the feed ramp edges advisable? Can they be widened out to .30 caliber size?


Pitt300 07-31-2008 10:28 AM

Paul @
Model 1 Sales
If he's out maybe John or Bryan could help.
I'll email Paul this thread.
I'm also interested in the outcome.

Flewis 07-31-2008 02:35 PM

I'm going to do some testing (hopefully in the next day or two) and see whether it is the COAL or the magazines and then I'll give Paul at M1S a call.

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